The Istio
service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that you can add to your
applications. It allows you to transparently add capabilities like observability,
traffic management, and security, without adding them to your own code.
For more details of what is possible with Istio, see
This Juju charm bundle incorporates both
Deploy example bookinfo microservice application on microk8s:
sudo snap install microk8s --classic
microk8s.enable dns storage metallb: rbac
microk8s.kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
sleep 10
juju bootstrap microk8s uk8s
juju add-model istio-system microk8s
juju deploy cs:~kubeflow-charmers/bundle/istio --channel edge
sleep 30
microk8s.kubectl patch role -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-operator -p '{"apiVersion":"","kind":"Role","metadata":{"name":"istio-ingressgateway-operator"},"rules":[{"apiGroups":["*"],"resources":["*"],"verbs":["*"]}]}'
microk8s.kubectl apply -f
microk8s.kubectl apply -f
microk8s.kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod --all --timeout=-1s
Congratulations, now curl