The Knob
widget creates a component that looks like a
control Knob or Dial (from Wikipedia: "A control knob is a rotary
control used to provide input to a device when grasped by an
operator and turned, so that the degree of rotation corresponds to
the desired input."). To configure a knob a max
and step
should be provided (like in Slider). Additionally, knobimg_source
could be set to load a texture that visually represents the knob.
The Knob
widget has a start_angle
and angle_range
property to
limit the allowed range of angles. Values of start_angle
= 225 and
= 227 can be used to mimic a traditional volume knob.
The value
of a Knob
can be changed with the mouse wheel in the defined
The Knob
widget is focusable and the value
can be changed with the
cursor keys in step
increments as well.
To create a basic knob (in a kv file):
size: 100, 100
min: 0
max: 100
step: 1
value: 0 # Default position of knob.
knobimg_source: "img/knob_metal.png" # Knob texture
show_marker: False # Do not show surrounding marker
To create a knob with a surrounding marker:
size: 100, 100
min: 0
max: 100
step: 1
value: 0 # Default position of knob.
knobimg_source: "img/knob_metal.png" # Knob texture
show_marker: True # Show surrounding marker
marker_img: "img/bline.png" # Marker texture image
knob_size: 0.9 # Scales knob size to leave space for marker
markeroff_color: 0, 0, 0, 0
The KnobWithTicks
is a Knob
that shows ticks around the actual knob image.
The ticks have to be configured in Python code by passing a list of Tick
instances into the constructor of a class that derives from KnobWithTicks
class TickKnob(KnobWithKicks):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ticks = [
super().__init__(ticks, *args, **kwargs)
The derived class can than be used in a kv file like a normal Knob
size: 100, 100
min: 0
max: 2
step: 1
value: 0 # Default position of knob.
start_angle: 270
angle_range: 180
knobimg_source: "img/knob_metal.png" # Knob texture
show_marker: False # Hide surrounding marker
knob_size: 0.7 # Scales knob size to leave space for the tick marks
markeroff_color: 0, 0, 0, 1
A class drawing the tick marks around the knob. The tick is configured by key value pairs passed into its constructor.
Allowed values:
The angle at which to position the tick, in degree from the knob's start_angle.
The knob value at which to position the tick. (Ignored if angle
is specified.)
The color as rgba
value in which the tick is rendered (default: (1,1,1,1)
The distance (in pixel) of the tick from the knob (default: 2
The size of the rectangle drawn as the tick mark as a (width,height) tuple (default: (3,10)
The text shwon as the tick mark. If text
is specified no rectangle tick mark is drawn.
MIT license.
img/knob_metal.png by ( Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
img/ by gliskard.