magicsim - The Advanced Update
Now you too can do wonderful selfsims in the H2Priest style (though be noted, they are slow) with zero setup! Just type in your armory information, choose the model you want to simulate (I recommend Nighthold Composite) and go!
A large update that changes a lot of the way things are working underneath the hood. A lot of these changes were to support higher quality Mythic+ simulations which now reflect much more realistic scenarios than they did in the past (however, as a result they take much longer to execute and have more error than the simulations for Nighthold)
This also adds Advanced Mode which allows you to change certain aspects of the way simulations are run (including set bonuses, raid consumables, and race). These modifications affect the APL (action priority list) which is automatically generated for your character based on your race and class specialization. The way I have implemented these modifications may not work for all cases. If you run into an issue, please let me know.
How to run:
-Click nw.exe
Bugs Fixed:
-Fixed some minor issues where the UI would hang after simulations failed to execute.
Known Bugs:
-Selecting the Tier 20 2/6 and Tier 20 4/6 set bonuses while wearing Tier 19 will cause both bonuses to be applied, even when this is an impossible configuration (IE: 19:4/6 and 20:4/6)
-After finishing a sim in advanced mode, the UI is in a bad state which blocks the buttons and forces the user to restart the app to continue simming.
-Advanced mode seems to be a bit trigger happy, though it shouldn't make any changes unless you specifically ask for them.
-There may be a last second bug which snuck in and may have broken advanced mode. This update will likely be patched here by End of Day 3/13
-Mythic+ Simulations do not work for Boomkin/Assassination Rogues. This is due to a bug in SimulationCraft.
-If simc only partially downloads for some reason, magicsim will think that the download succeeded and try to unzip an invalid archive. This can be fixed by going to package.nw and deleting all simc-*.7z files
-It has come to my attention that the analyzer breaks for non-intellect users. Until this is fixed, Pawn strings for non-intellect users DOES NOT work.
All crossed out bugs have been fixed in the new patched release which can be found below. This was uploaded at 3/13 9PM EST