Magicsim 2 - Battle for Azerite
It's here! Legion is finally completely gone and it's time for BFA. I've made several changes to accommodate the new systems in places and removed all the old stuff from Legion.
Here is the run-down:
- Azerite is 100% supported for all classes and specs now. I pulled all the spelldata dumped from a few days ago, sifted through it all, and mapped out every single Azerite trait that is in the game (~316 traits) so you can immediately sim your current traits or try out new ones (neck level is not required for it to work). The defensive ring is ommited since it would clutter the UI for little value.
- BFA consumables are now in. If you are seeing "None" as the default option, could be several things. 1) The APL for your spec isn't up to date. 2) You're not high enough level to use proper consumables. 3) The APL is using an unfamiliar name for a consumable. Report it if you think you defaults are not being populated properly.
- Uldir Composite 1.0 is in - Legions composites are out. There aren't currently any individual boss sims yet but we've added a single target composite which blends the different movement styles.
- Pantheon trinkets and Legion raid tier support dropped. Your currently equipped tier will still work but no more pretending.
Enjoy and happy leveling/questing/preparing for Uldir!