Releases: php-fedora/autoloader
Releases · php-fedora/autoloader
1.0.1 (2020-02-12)
- Change
to return if found (#19)
- Fix Travis, remove php:nightly and hhvm (#20)
- Allow PHPUnit 7 and 8 (#21)
Release 1.0.0
First stable release. No changes since 1.0.0-rc1. May the 4th be with you!
Release 1.0.0-RC1
- Avoid loading unneeded dependency autoloader if one of the alternative versions is already loaded (#12, #13)
- Fix for recent phpunit versions (#17)
- Allow non-full-path in dependencies list and rely on include_path (#14)
Release 0.2.1
- Remove self-autoload constant (#11)
Release 0.2.0
- Required dependencies raise an exception if not found or readable (#7)
- phpab template updates (#8)
- Refactor Dependencies::process() with exceptions (#9)
- Refactor autoload.php with a constant conditional (#10)
Release 0.1.2
- Fixed #5: Handle namespaced classes with PSR-0 (#6)