This example demonstrates how to use passport-facebook-token with express and passport for JWT tokens. In this example we will use the HTTP Header "Authorization" to send the facebook user token to this server.
The client to use exercise this app is express-passport-facebook-token-example-client.
The server runs on port http://localhost:3000 and the client on http://localhost:4200. The server is a barebone express server and the client is an angular 2 project built with the angular-cli.
See the following configuration for the facebook app
TODO pic 2
To install this example on your computer, clone the repository and install dependencies.
Preconditions: Configure a facebook app and update server.js to provide your app information.
passport.use(new FacebookTokenStrategy({
clientID: '<TODO>',
clientSecret: '<TODO>'
$ git clone <this repo>
$ cd express-passport-facebook-token-example
$ npm install
$ node server.js
Start the server.
$ node server.js
After starting the server, start the client.