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File metadata and controls

353 lines (302 loc) · 14.6 KB

Structuring Aggregations

We provide information about logical and pedagogically appropriate sequences for displaying or presenting the components of complex curriculum materials using with some additional terms from OER Schema.

There are currently two proposals for how to sequence the content. One approach is a simple JSON-LD ordered list. The other approach is founded on encoding the structure using ItemLists, which can be interpreted as a table of contents.

We recommend this information is provided as linked data encoded in JSON-LD (or potentially RDFa).

Editor's note : for more information about the thinking behind this approach see Structure and sequence of book- or course-like resources.

An Unordered Aggregation

We represent the whole-part relationships of complex curriculum materials using and OER Schema. org allows us to say that a CreativeWork (such as a Book) has parts (Chapters). The terminology of Books and Chapters may be too restrictive for curriculum materials in general, and so we recommend the use of OER Schema's type vocabulary.

Recommended Vocabulary Identifiers

Vocabulary Namespace : Context URI sdo :
OERSchema oer :

Recommended Classes / Types

Type Definition
sdo:CreativeWork The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.
sdo:Book A book.
sdo:Chapter One of the sections into which a book is divided. A chapter usually has a section number or a name.
sdo:WebPage A web page.
sdo:WebSite A website.
sdo:Course A sequence of one or more educational events and/or creative works which aims to build knowledge, competence or ability of learners.
oer:Module A module [the largest possible subpart]
oer:Unit A unit [part of a module, comprising several lessons]
oer:Lesson A lesson [a smaller component than a Unit]
oer:Activity An activity performed by students which can be assessed and graded.
oer:Assessment An assessment of a student's activity.
oer:SupportingMaterial Material that teaches the learning objectives of the course.

Further information about mapping the OERSchema classes to the terms used by specific providers is given in the section on [TO DO].

Recommended Properties

Properties of sdo:CreativeWork

Property Expected Type Definition
sdo:hasPart sdo:CreativeWork Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense)

Note: All the types are subtypes of sdo:CreativeWork and so may be used wherever sdo:CreativeWork is the expected type. The leniency of domain and range specification in allows us to treat the OER Schema types as if they were CreativeWorks.


A module comprises two topics, one of the topics comprises three lessons entity-relationship graph of a module with two topics, one of the topic has three lessons; all the connecting edges are of type sdo:hasPart

  "@context": {
    "ex": "" ,
    "sdo": "" ,
    "oer": "",
    "sdo:hasPart" : {
      "@type" : "@id"
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "ex:Module1#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Module"],
      "sdo:hasPart": ["ex:TopicA#A", "ex:TopicB#A" ]
      "@id": "ex:TopicA#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Unit"],
      "sdo:hasPart": [
      "@id": "ex:TopicB#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Unit"]
      "@id": "ex:Lesson1#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"]
      "@id": "ex:Lesson2#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"]
      "@id": "ex:Lesson3#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"]

Editor's Note: hacking the context for sdo:hasPart to be stricter than's own and to generate links not values.

Editor's Note: do folk prefer their JSON-LD examples as separate linked objects, as above, or as nested objects?


The identifiers should be different to the URLs of specific instances of these resources. They identify relationships that are true for any instance of these resources, and as such they identify an abstract resource of which specific instances are manifestations. Appending #A to the URL of the official or authoritative web page for the resource is a useful pattern for generating a different URI but still using a URI that will provide human users with a meaningful link.

Further information about the resources could be provided here, such as the URL to locate the content (sdo:url) and the name (sdo:name) of the resource, however this would duplicate information in the sitemap used to locate the resources, and embedded markup used to describe the resources.

An Ordered Aggregation

Editor's Note OPEN ISSUE: there are two options for ordering the component resources in an aggregation. Option 1 is a JSON array (i.e. an ordered list) of identifiers specifying a default order. This mirrors the approach taken for W3C Web Publications (ePub for the web). Option 2 is inspired by OAI-ORE and leverages ItemLists. Option 2 is conceptually and practically far more complex, however it may be more robust, and may more useful for providing information about next & previous components within the files for each component. It remains an open issue as to whether the extra complexity is manageable or necessary.

An Ordered Aggregation - Option 1

We provide information about the default logical and pedagogically appropriate sequence for displaying or presenting the components of complex curriculum materials using a JSON array of URIs, each URI representing a component. This approach is based on the default reading order of the (draft) W3C Web Publications spec.

Recommended Vocabulary Identifiers

Vocabulary Namespace : Context URI
OCX extensions ocx

Editor's note: do we need to get context URI for OCX?

Recommended Properties

Property Expected Type Defintion
ocx:defaultOrder a list of URIs The default order in which to present the resources in the aggregation to the user.

Note: The ordering may be changed for many reasons, for example, remixing the content or adaptive delivery.

Note: JSON-LD arrays are unordered by default (in contrast with regular JSON). Ordering can be enforced using the @list JSON-LD keyword.

Note: In JSON-LD lists of lists are not allowed. Therefor the ordering for each level of a hierarchical aggregation must be specified separately.


A module comprising a sequence of two topics, the first of which is a sequence of three lessons.

  "@context": {
    "ex": "" ,
    "sdo": "" ,
    "oer": "",
    "sdo:hasPart" : {
      "@type" : "@id"
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "ex:Module1#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Module"],
      "sdo:hasPart": ["ex:TopicA#A", "ex:TopicB#A" ],
      "ocx:defaultOrder": {"@list": ["ex:TopicA#A", "ex:TopicB#A"]}
      "@id": "ex:TopicA#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Unit"],
      "sdo:hasPart": [
      "ocx:defaultOrder": {
        "@list": ["ex:Lesson1#A", "ex:Lesson2#A", "ex:Lesson3#A"]
      "@id": "ex:TopicB#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Unit"]
      "@id": "ex:Lesson1#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"]
      "@id": "ex:Lesson2#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"]
      "@id": "ex:Lesson3#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"]

An Ordered Aggregation - Option 2

We provide information about logical and pedagogically appropriate sequences for displaying or presenting the components of complex curriculum materials using ItemLists.

Ordering several levels of a hierarchy requires that we nest ItemLists, i.e. we have lists of lists.

We have to be careful because reuse and repurposing of resources means that the same resources may appear in different orders when used by different people, however previous work [OAI-ORE] shows a solution to this. In order avoid this issue we create resources that are "proxies" for the components and sequence these. These proxies can be thought of as entries in a table of contents structure and are the ListItems in the ItemList.

Recommended Vocabulary Identifiers

In addition to the vocabularies used for an unordered aggregation we need

Vocabulary Namespace : Context URI
OCX extensions ocx

Editor's note: do we need to get context URI for OCX?

Recommended Classes / Types

In addition to the types used for an unordered aggregation we need

Type Definition
sdo:ItemList A list of items of any sort
sdo:ListItem An item in a list

Recommended Properties

Properties of a sdo:CreativeWork.

Property Expected Type Defintion
ocx:hasToC sdo:ItemList The aggregate resource has a table of contents that specifies a possible logical or pedagogically appropriate ordering of its parts.

Properties of a sdo:ItemList.

Property Expected Type Defintion
sdo:itemListElement sdo:ListItem or sdo:ItemList A resource in this list [i.e., an entry in the table of contents].
sdo:itemListOrder Text The type of ordering. Permitted values are Ascending, Descending, Unordered.
sdo:numberOfItems Integer The number of items in the ItemList

Note: the order of elements in the mark-up is not sufficient for indicating the order of items in the list. Use ListItem with a 'position' property in such cases.

Properties of a sdo:ListItem

Property Expected Type Defintion
sdo:item sdo:CreativeWork The component being represented by this entry in the list
sdo:nextItem sdo:ListItem A link to the ListItem that follows the current one
sdo:position Integer The position of an item in a series or sequence of items
sdo:perviousItem sdo:ListItem A link to the ListItem that preceeds the current one

Editor's Note: The terminology of ListItem and ItemList; nextItem (which is a ListItem), item (which is not a ListItem) and itemListElement (which is a ListItem, and sometimes also an ItemList) is confusing, but it's what has given us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


A module comprising a sequence of two topics, the first of which is a sequence of three lessons.

entity-relationship graph of the resources represented in the JSON-LD text below

  "@context": {
    "ex": "" ,
    "sdo": "" ,
    "oer": "" ,
    "ocx:hasToC": {
      "@type" : "@id"
    "sdo:item": {
      "@type" : "@id"
    "sdo:nextItem": {
      "@type" : "@id"
    "sdo:previousItem": {
      "@type" : "@id"
    "sdo:hasPart": {
      "@type" : "@id"
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "ex:Module1#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Module"],
      "sdo:hasPart": ["ex:TopicA#A", "ex:TopicB#A" ],
      "ocx:hasToC": "ex:Module#ToC"
      "@id": "ex:TopicA#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Unit"],
      "sdo:hasPart": [
      "ocx:hasToC": "ex:TopicA#ToC"
      "@id": "ex:TopicB#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Unit"]
      "@id": "ex:Lesson1#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"],
      "ocx:hasToC": "ex:Lesson1#ToC"
      "@id": "ex:Lesson2#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"],
      "ocx:hasToC": "ex:Lesson2#ToC"
      "@id": "ex:Lesson3#A",
      "@type": ["sdo:CreativeWork", "oer:Lesson"],
      "ocx:hasToC": "ex:Lesson3#ToC"
      "@id": "ex:Module1#Toc",
      "@type": "sdo:ItemList",
      "sdo:itemListOrder": "Ascending",
      "sdo:numberOfItems": 2,
      "sdo:itemListElement": [
          "@id": "ex:TopicA#ToC",
          "@type": ["sdo:ListItem", "sdo:ItemList"],
          "sdo:item": "ex:TopicA#A",
          "sdo:position": 1,
          "sdo:nextItem": "ex:TopicB#ToC",
          "sdo:numberOfItems": 3,
          "sdo:itemListElement" : [
              "@id": "ex:Lesson1#ToC",
              "@type": "sdo:ListItem",
              "sdo:position": 1,
              "sdo:item": "ex:Lesson1#A",
              "sdo:nextItem": "ex:Lesson2#ToC"
              "@id": "ex:Lesson2#ToC",
              "@type": "sdo:ListItem",
              "sdo:position": 2,
              "sdo:previousItem": "ex:Lesson1#ToC",
              "sdo:item": "ex:Lesson2#A",
              "sdo:nextItem": "ex:Lesson3#ToC"
              "@id": "ex:Lesson3#ToC",
              "@type": "sdo:ListItem",
              "sdo:position": 3,
              "sdo:previousItem": "ex:Lesson2#ToC",
              "sdo:item": "ex:Lesson3#A"
          "@id": "ex:TopicB#ToC",
          "@type": "sdo:ListItem",
          "sdo:item": "ex:TopicB#A",
          "sdo:previousItem": "ex:TopicA#ToC",
          "sdo:position": 2

Editor's Note: Experimenting with ToC as nested objects.

Editor's Note: Hacking the context for sdo: properties to be stricter than's own and to generate links not values.