WPKG files for automating software installs on windows
See http://wpkg.org
Download and then run commands like this on an admin command prompt:
cscript wpkg.js /install:7zip
cscript wpkg.js /install:notepad++
cscript wpkg.js /install:7zip,classicshell,notepad++
Package names come from the XML files in the package directory
Software install files can be added to the software directory, and if the download location is specified in the package XML file, will be downloaded as needed.
This will download this package, unzip it and run an installer. Run in Powershell as admin, including the first line to put in %temp%, and modifying the last line to choose packages
cd $env:temp
$destpath = $pwd.path
$zipfile = join-path $destpath "wpkg.zip"
invoke-webrequest "https://github.com/phhu/wpkg/archive/master.zip" -outfile $zipfile
$shell = new-object -com shell.application
$zip = $shell.NameSpace($zipfile)
cd wpkg-master
cscript wpkg.js /install:"classicshell,7zip,notepad++,chrome,git"
echo done