This repo is part of the Macrosystems Phenological Mismatch project. Here we are using species-specific data and traits to identify appropriate proxies for forest caterpillar abundance across space and time, to examine relationships with bird demography.
Repository structure:
data/ - Datasets relevant for project
- CatCountSpeciesList.csv - species names in Caterpillars Count! data
- DiscLifeTraits.csv - Species names in discover life moth data and associated traits
- caterpillars-of-eastern-north-america.csv - opportunistic occurrence data file for iNaturalist caterpillars of ENA projecy
- discoverlife_3sp_ma.csv - semi-standard survey occurrence data for 3 moth species in Massachusetts, discover life adult data
- lep.names.query.csv - Standardized (Genus_Species) names and variations (altname) seen in datasets with boolean ID for whether data are available (
- lep.trait.csv - File using standarized species names, for taxonomic heirarchy and traits
- ma-bfly.csv - Field Trip occurrence data from the Massachusetts butterfly club
- regions.xlsx - information on preliminary regions being used to examine datasets
code/ - code (currently all R)
- bestLag.R - not needed
- overwintering_lists.R - managineg trait data for overwinter stage
- pheno_curve_lag.R - R code aligning phenology curves from GAMs or smoothed density surves and identifying the best lags between adults and larvae
- gam_fx.R - File for R functions for GAM phenology estimation and adult-larval Lag comparison