Scraping historical data of cryptocurrencies from website then store to the MySQL database, analyze and predict the next 30 days.
Check you have installed latest version of chrome brwoser ->
chromium-browser -version
If not, install latest version of chrome ->
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
Get appropriate version of chrome driver from here
Unzip the ->
Move the file to /usr/bin directory
sudo mv chromedriver /usr/bin
Go to /usr/bin directory
cd /usr/bin
Now, you would need to run something like
sudo chmod a+x chromedriver
to mark it executable. -
Finally you can execute the code.
Run docker-compose.yml to install all packages and create a new database ->
docker-compose up
Run to get data from website and store to the database.
Run jupyter notebook to analyze and predict price of cryptocurrencies.