(OLD Archive) Check https://github.com/pharo-mooc/2024-PharoMooc
Welcome to the repository of the Pharo Mooc
Official MOOC page: Pharo MOOC Official GH repo page: https://github.com/pharo-mooc/2024-PharoMooc
- pharo5: Pharo MOOC based on Pharo 5
- pharo8: stable version of the MOOC for Pharo 8
- master: WIP version of porting the Pharo MOOC content to Pharo8
Roadmap/MoocRoadmap.pillar describes the week organisation including lectures, exercises for the seven weeks of the mooc
Slides/ contains all slides of the MOOC based on week decomposition.
The Pharo MOOC still uses an old version of Pillar to compile.
git clone git@github.com:pharo-mooc/PharoMooc.git
cd PharoMooc
./download.sh # download pillar
./pillar makefile # generate Makefile according to pillar.conf
make # compile whole MOOC or only modified source files
./deploy.sh # copy all MOOC's files into PharoMooc/ directory
Metacello new
repository: 'github://LucFabresse/PharoMooc/src';
To upload videos
ssh mooc
scp -r final mooc:/var/www/mooc/FinalLive-P8