Releases: pharmai/plip
Releases · pharmai/plip
PLIP v1.2.0
- Support for DNA and RNA as ligands
- Detection of metal complexes with proteins/ligands, including prediction of geometry
- Extended result files with detailed information on binding site residues and unpaired atoms
- Support for zipped and gzipped files
- Rich verbose mode in command line with information on detected functional groups and interactions
- Automatic fixing of common errors in custom PDB files
- Refined binding site selection
- Better overall performance
- Initial test suite for metal coordination
- Classification of ligands
- Improves detection of aromatic rings and interactions involving aromatic rings
- Single nucleotides and ions not excluded anymore as ligands
- Generation of canonical smiles for complete (composite) ligands
- Generation of txt files is now optional
- Basic support for PDBQT files
- Correct handling of negative chain positions of ligands
- Improved check for valid PDB IDs
- Fixes several bugs
PLIP v1.1.1
- Detailed information on binding site residues in XML files
- Improved extraction of binding site residues
- Information whether halogen bonds are made with side- or main chain of protein
PLIP v1.1.0
- Folder structure and for automatic installation using pip
- H-Bond Donor Prioritization (see documentation for details)
- Adds separate changelog
- Updated documentation and citation information
- Reduction of blacklist usage
- Information on excluded ligands in result files
PLIP v1.0.2
- Automatic grouping of composite ligands (e.g. polysaccharides)
- Proper handling of alternative conformations in PDB structures
- Exclusion of modified residues as ligands
- Improved detection of hydrogen bonds
- Prioritization of hydrogen bonds
- Adds atom type description in the output files
- Basic support for usage on Windows (without multithreading)
- Option to turn multithreading off by setting maxthreads to 0
- Improved detection of hydrogen bond donors in ligands
- Adaption of standard parameters
- Fixes a bug in PyMOL visualization script leading to missing or wrong interactions with pseudoatoms
- Fixes a bug leading to duplicate or triplicate detection of identical pi-cation interactions with guanidine
- Adds now unit tests
- Small changes to existing unit tests for new features
PLIP v1.0.1
- Option to change detection thresholds permanently or for single runs
- Option to (de)activate output for images, PyMOL session files and XML files
- Changed standard behaviour to output of RST report only
- Information on sidechain/backbone hydrogen bond type
- Sorted output
- Detection of more flavors of halogen bonds
- Fixed bug leading to duplicate interactions with quartamine groups