DISCLAIMER: This project use for Programming Exercise subject
- Config
- Go to
- Run
mvn clean package cargo:redeploy
- Then the
file will be store in./SQL_server/webseverver/target
- Start Tomcat server from
- Access to http://localhost:8080/webserver/
- input: username, password
- procedure name: authentication(username, password)
- output: username (if not found return nothing)
- input: no input
- procedure name: controlAccess(username)
- output: return (Academic Year, Semester, Faculty, Faculty_name, Program, Program_name, Module, Module_name, Class_code, Lecturer, Lecturer_name)
- input: no input
- procedure name: getAllClass
- output: return all the class code
- input: class code of specific class
- procedure name: getClassByCode(class_code)
- output: return (Academic Year, Semester, Faculty, Faculty_name, Program, Program_name, Module, Module_name, Class_code, Lecturer, Lecturer_name) of that class
- Note: 1 class can has many lecturer
- EX: /class?class_code=23
- input: no input
- procedure name: getAllQuestion()
- output: return (question_id, content)
- input: input JSON string of questionarie (put json into request body)
- procedure name: insertIntoQuestionaire(class_code, lecturer_code, question1, question2, question3, question4, question5, question6, question7, question8, question9, question10, question11, question12, question13, question14, question15, question16, question17, question18, question19, question20)
- output: return status code of request
- input: no input
- procedure name: controlAccess(username)
- output: return (Academic Year, Semester, Faculty, Faculty_name, Program, Program_name, Module, Module_name, Class_code, Lecturer, Lecturer_name)
- input:
- aca_code, sem_code, fa_code, pro_code, mo_code, class_code, lec_code
- array_of_fa_code: array of faculty code *(ex: fa_code='ME','CS')
- same for array_of_pro_code
- array_of_lect_code: array of lecturer ode (ex: lec_code=1,3)
- NOTE: the input paramter can be null (if null, skip filter that parameter)
- procedure name: Validate(academic_year, semester, faculty, program, module, lecturer, class, teaching_id)
- output: return (Academic Year, Semester, Faculty, Faculty_name, Program, Program_name, Module, Module_name, Class_code, Lecturer, Lecturer_name)
- EX: /chart/validate?aca_code=null&sem_code='WS20'&fa_code=null&pro_code=null&mo_code=null&class_code=null&lec_code='23'
- input:
- teaching_id_arr: array of teaching id *(ex: teaching_id_arr="1,17")
- answer_id: index of answer (ex: answer of question 1 ==> answer_id=1)
- procedure name: getNumberOfAnswer(array_teaching_id, answer_id)
- output:
Option1 | Option2 | Option3 | Option4 | Option5 | Option6 | class_size |
20 | 30 | 40 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 120 |
- input: teaching_id
- procedure name: getAnswer20(teaching_id)
- output: answer of question 20
- input:
- table_name with option
{aca_year, faculty, program, module, semester, class, lecturer, teaching, year_faculty, year_fac_pro, year_fac_pro_mo}
- table_name with option
- procedure name: table_name + "Interact" ("dump")
- output: content of that table
- input:
- id_type: type of need to get (has 3 value
id1, id2, id3
) - sem_code: semester_code for filter in option "id3"
- id_type: type of need to get (has 3 value
- procedure name: idDropdown(id_type, sem_code)
- output: information related to that id
- input:
- table_name with option
{aca_year, faculty, program, module, semester, class, lecturer, teaching, year_faculty, year_fac_pro, year_fac_pro_mo}
- table_name = "year_faculty": old_key
- table_name = "year_fac_pro": old_key
- table_name = "year_fac_pro_mo": old_key
- table_name = "class": old_key
- table_name = "teaching": old_key
- table_name = "semester": old_key
- table_name = "lecturer": old_key
- table_name = "aca_year": old_key
- table_name = "module" or "program" or "faculty": old_key
- (except for old_key, the other param set null)
- table_name with option
- procedure name: table_name + "Interact" ("delete", key)
- input:
- table_name with option
{aca_year, faculty, program, module, semester, class, lecturer, teaching, year_faculty, year_fac_pro, year_fac_pro_mo}
- table_name = "year_faculty": old_key, a_code, f_code
- table_name = "year_fac_pro": old_key, id, code
- table_name = "year_fac_pro_mo": old_key, id, code
- table_name = "class": old_key,size,code,id
- table_name = "teaching": old_key,c_code, lec_code
- table_name = "semester": old_key, code
- table_name = "lecturer": old_key, name
- table_name = "aca_year": old_key, name
- table_name = "module" or "program" or "faculty": old_key, name
- table_name with option
- procedure name: table_name + "Interact" ("update", other param that is not null in order
old_key, new_key, name, code, code2, id, size
)- The database has to generate the procedure name
- Then need to check and add param that is not null in order like above
- input:
- table_name with option
{aca_year, faculty, program, module, semester, class, lecturer, teaching, year_faculty, year_fac_pro, year_fac_pro_mo}
- table_name = "year_faculty": old_key, a_code, f_code
- table_name = "year_fac_pro": old_key, id, code
- table_name = "year_fac_pro_mo": old_key, id, code
- table_name = "class": old_key,size,code,id
- table_name = "teaching": old_key,c_code, lec_code
- table_name = "semester": old_key, code
- table_name = "lecturer": old_key, name
- table_name = "aca_year": old_key, name
- table_name = "module" or "program" or "faculty": old_key, name
- table_name with option
- procedure name: table_name + "Interact" ("create", other param that is not null in order
key, name, code, code2, id, size
)- The database has to generate the procedure name
- Then need to check and add param that is not null in order like above