matchResume: Site to find employees. In this case, I take the opportunity to leave my portfolio.! :)
📑 About
The website is a employee finder, or an alternative to show resume and portfolio, with the intent to increase the professional exposure and reach more oportunities. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
🛠️ Technologies
Responsive Design (🔧 under fixing)
💻 Execution and Run
Run the following command on your terminal to clone this repository:
$ git clone
To run the project:
$ yarn (to install node_modules) $ yarn start (to run the environment and open the website)
or install Node.js and run to install Yarn first.
$ npm install (to install dependences) $ npm install -g yarn Runs the app in the development mode.\
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
🔗 Deploy
Deploy/Hosting by Firebase.
You can find this website on SITE
📝 Authors:
Created and developed by Petra Mello. ❤️