Eduard Ruffert: copied from emily bach
########### Requirements:
- CMake
- CppUnit
Use your package manager to install or download:
- cmake from:
- cppunit from:
Binaries are put to "Cpp/Bin" folder.
Build steps to generate makefiles:
cd Racing-Car-Katas/Cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../Source
On Windows for VS2012 replace step 4 by:
cmake -G"Visual Studio 12" ..\Source
On mac for XCode replace step 4 by:
cmake -G"XCode" ../Source
For Eclipse 4.4 with CDT4 replace step 4 by:
cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -D_ECLIPSE_VERSION=4.4 ../Source
For CodeBlocks replace step 4 by:
cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" ../Source
For CodeListe replace step 4 by:
cmake -G"CodeLite - Unix Makefiles" ../Source
google "cmake generators" if you need something else.