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A Twitter bot that has learned to classify sarcasm.


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a framework for detecting sarcasm in German Twitter data


  • bot
    A Twitter bot that listens to sarcasm classification requests.
  • classifier
    A wrapper class for sklearn's SVM Classifier that accepts feature vectors in the autosarkasmus format.
  • corpus
    Our tweet aggregation scripts as well as their results. These are stored in three formats: sarcastic tweets, non-sarcastic tweets (based on hashtags) and random non-sarcastic tweets.
  • extractor
    Includes methods for extracting features from tweets.
  • preprocessor
    A pipeline for preprocessing raw German tweets. Includes tokenization, normalization and pos-tagging.
  • validator
    A custom cross-validator which splits corpora into specified or random subsets.


Installation Instructions

We recommend using a virtual environment for Python 3.

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate  
$ pip install -r requirements.txt  

Congratulations! You are now ready to classify sarcasm.


The autosarkasmus pipeline consists of several steps that are outlined here.

corpus acquisition (corpus module)
Sarcastic and non-sarcastic tweets can be collected using the script. The collected data or previously collected data can then be easily loaded into an iterable CorpusReader object found in
preprocessing (preprocessor module)
Using the Pipeline class in tweets in a acquired corpus can be tokenized, normalized and pos-tagged.
feature extraction (extractor module)
Given a set of features the FeatureExtractor class in can extract them from a preprocessed corpus or raw positive and negative training corpora.
training (classifier module)
The classifiers MultiLayerPerceptronClassifier and SVMClassifier can be trained using the feature vectors extracted with the feature extractor. The RecurrentNeuralNetworkClassifier can skip this step and only requires pre-trained word-embeddings.
classification (classifier module)
Once training is complete, the same pipeline can be applied to new tweets which can then be fed into the classifier.

More detailed documentation is provided in the READMEs of the individual modules as well as their docstrings.

Performing Classification

Classification of individual tweets as well as entire corpora can be performed using the modules provided or as demonstrated in autosarkasmus/run/
All corpora for the demo must be provided in the following csv-format:

"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss","tweet_id","tweet_text"

The classification of single tweets requires one training corpus with sarcastic tweets and one without in addition to a tagger mapping file (e.g. rsrc/
After initialization and training, an input prompt is displayed into which a tweet can be manually entered and confirmed with a new-line. To end the program, enter only a new-line at the input prompt.

$ source venv/bin/activate
$ cd run/
$ python [training corpus (pos)] [training corpus (neg)] [tag mapping]
$ python ../corpus/txt/reviewed_corpus_files/tweets_pos_3099random.txt ../corpus/txt/reviewed_corpus_files/tweets_not-pos_3099random.txt ../rsrc/

Batch classification of a corpus can be performed by providing its path in the -f or --input-file option. The output will be stored as the original path plus the .out extension.

$ python -f=[corpus] [training corpus (pos)] [training corpus (neg)] [tag mapping]

Performing Evaluation

Evaluation of the models provided in the classifier package can be performed using the XValidator. A prepared script can be found in autosarkasmus/run/ It can be run as follows:

$ source venv/bin/activate
$ cd run/
$ python [experiment name] [training corpus (pos)] [training corpus (neg)] [embeddings_file]
$ python exp tweets_pos_3099random.txt tweets_not-pos_3099random.txt ../rsrc/embeddings.pkl

A ready-to-run script for evaluating the classifiers can be found in autosarkasmus/run/ The default classifier is the RecurrentNeuralNetworkClassifier and others can be uncommented. (Please note that only one instance of MultiLayerPerceptronClassifier or RecurrentNeuralNetworkClassifier can be classified at once due to the variable scope in TensorFlow).

$ source venv/bin/activate
$ cd run/
$ ./

Twitter Bot

Once the API keys are placed into the bot/config.json, the bot performs an initial training run on the data and will start listening for sarcasm requests.

$ source venv/bin/activate
$ cd bot/
$ python


  1. E. Riloff, et al. "Sarcasm as Contrast between a Positive Sentiment and Negative Situation." EMNLP. 2013.
  2. David Bamman, A. Smith, ”Contextualized Sarcasm Detection on Twitter”, Proceedings of the Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 2015.
  3. R. González-Ibánez, S. Muresan, and N. Wacholder. "Identifying sarcasm in Twitter: a closer look." Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: short papers-Volume 2. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2011.
  4. I. Rehbein. "Fine-grained pos tagging of german tweets." Language Processing and Knowledge in the Web. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 162-175.
  5. R. Remus, U. Quasthoff & G. Heyer. "SentiWS - a Publicly Available German-language Resource for Sentiment Analysis." Proceedings of the 7th International Language Ressources and Evaluation (LREC'10), pp. 1168--1171, 2010
  6. N. Feldhus, D. Hoff, M. Müller-Eberstein & P. Richter-Pechanski. "Softwareprojekt SS 16 - Sarkasmuserkennung auf Twitter." Universität Heidelberg, 2016.


A Twitter bot that has learned to classify sarcasm.







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