Home-made weather macOS app that runs in the Status Menus (top-right).
The final usage tests: macOS 10.13.6 and macOS 13.6.4.
CHANGELOG for details. The Why of this app cannot, and need not, be put into words.
The current app project edition is represented in source code only, Developer edition.
To install the app use the appropriate build-system.
- macOS 10.13.6+
- Xcode 10.1+
- Swift 4.2+
- macOS: 10.11+, AppKit SDK
- Functional specification
- Localization requirements [EN, RU]
- Perseus Dark Mode / 1.1.5
- Perseus UI System Kit / 1.1.4
- Dark Mode switching functions
- OpenWeather Free Client / 0.1.1
- PerseusCompassDirection
- PerseusTimeFormat
- PerseusLogger
- SwiftLint / 0.31.0: Busy Laundromat for macOS High Sierra
- Explicit start point placed in main.swift file
- Explicit testing app delegate with test bundle
- Localization test schemes for EN and RU as well
- SwiftLint shell script as a build phase
Copyright © 7531 - 7532 Mikhail Zhigulin of Novosibirsk
Copyright © 7531 - 7532 PerseusRealDeal
- The year starts from the creation of the world in the Star temple according to a Slavic calendar.
- September, the 1st of Slavic year.
LICENSE for details.
Mikhail Zhigulin of Novosibirsk
Project Balance and Control kept by Mikhail Zhigulin
Source Code written by Mikhail Zhigulin
Project documented by Mikhail Zhigulin
Artwork by Mikhail Zhigulin
English Localization by Mikhail Zhigulin
Russian Localization by Mikhail Zhigulin
Localizations in other languages are very welcome from the app version 1.0, please consider customer expectations for EN as a template.
During the dev process of the release v0.2 there're several things were also taken into the account.
Thanks Google Inc. for convertion formulas easy seachable in public.
- Convertion formulas applied in MeteoFactsRepresenter.swift
Thanks Lorenzo Boaro for the Keychain API tutorial.
- Keychain API applied in PerseusDataDefender.swift
Thanks Gabriel Theodoropoulos for the macos-status-bar-apps tutorial.
Thanks Bill Waggoner for the SwiftCustomControl sample.
- Ideas applied in LocationView.swift, WeatherView.swift, and ForecastView.swift