- Boxes can be "-", "X", or "O"
- Starting here.
- When a box is tapped, it changes from "-" to "X" or "O", depending on who's turn it is
- Test #1 (TDD 5): Check that when a box is tapped, it changes value
- $truggle1: I just created the function before the test! Had to delete it.
- Test #2 (TDD 6): Check that when it is "X's" turn, the value changes to "X"
- Test #3 (TDD 7): Check that when it is "O's" turn, the value changes to "O"
- Has a Board of 9 Boxes
- Test #1 (TDD 8): testBoardContainsNineBoxes
- (DONE) Need to be able to display all 9 in a 3x3 grid
- This will need to be in the view
- Allows 2 players to take turns
- Need to display who's turn it is on the board
- Board can be reset
- Working with ViewInspector to try and inspect the Views during their lifetime
- If there are 3 in-a-row of either "X" or "O", they win