FTP framework in Python3
works for variety of FTP requirements
UniFTP can
- connect to a target and upload a file or directory
- can pull a file or directory from a target
- can encrypt a file in 7zip or GPG format and upload to target
- check what files are present on target's side
- comes with wide variety of configuration options in a YAML config file
git clone this repo
cd /opt
git clone git@github.com:perfecto25/uniftp.git
create Virtual Env and install requirements
cd /opt/uniftp
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
update ftp.py shebang to point to the python3 directory where this repo is sitting on
vi ftp.py
change shebang to:
Create a service account for UniFTP,
groupadd -g 8670 uniftp (or provide a unique GID)
useradd -d /opt/uniftp -u 8670 -g 8670 uniftp
this will create a uniftp user account which will store connectivity settings for each FTP connection
Update folder permissions to match the service account
chown -R uniftp:uniftp /opt/uniftp
UniFTP works by reading a YAML config file for each target you want to connect to.
To generate a sample client config in order to connect to a client, login as 'uniftp' user and run
uniftp@localhost> ./ftp.py -c someClient --generate
This will create a new configuration file in clients/someClient/config.yaml
Update options in this file,
# specify connection environment (prod, uat, dev, etc)
# push to client or pull from client [push, pull]
action: push
# hostname or IP of target
host: ftp.client.com
# comment out to use default port 22
port: 2022
# username for all auth types
username: joe
# password or ssh-key authentication, can only use one [password, key]
auth_type: password
# if using password, specify password
password: mySecretPassword
# if using ssh-key, specify name of private key
# UniFTP will search path specified for private key, if not found, will search inside clients/CLIENT/ folder for key
privkey: client.priv
# if you want to encrypt your file, can use 7zip or GPG [7zip, gpg]
enc_type: 7zip
# to encrypt 7zip, use password or comment out
enc_password: 7zipSecretPassword
# if you'd like to upload file to specific path on target server
remote_path: /uploads
# if you want to download a file to specific path on your host server
local_path: /home/user/downloads
# if you'd like to add a prefix to your encrypted file name
file_prefix: my_file_
# once encrypted files are sent to target, delete them from /clients/CLIENT/encrypted folder [true, false]
delete_encrypted_files: 'true'
to authenticate using username password, configure auth_type key to 'password' and provide username and password
username: user
auth_type: password
password: myPassword
to use SSH keys, set auth_type to 'key' and provide path to the Private key for 'privkey'
username: user
auth_type: key
privkey: id_rsa (uniftp will look for keys in clients/client/sshkeys)
## or if keys are located on some other path:
privkey: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
SSH keypair can either be external, ie /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
or be placed in clients/client/sshkeys/
When UniFTP connects to a remote client, it will append the client's server signature into a known_hosts file (/opt/uniftp/known_hosts)
UniFTP can encrypt your files with 7zip or GPG encryption
for 7zip, simply provide the 7zip password in the config.yaml file,
enc_type: 7zip
enc_password: 7zipSecretPassword
for GPG encryption, place client GPG asc keys into clients/CLIENT/gpgkeys
the keys will be imported by uniftp during run time
to check what files are present on a client's remote side, or to test basic connectivity to your client:
uniftp@localhost> ./ftp.py -c clientName -e envName --list (or -l)
you can push multiple files or folders to the remote server by passing a comma separated string,
uniftp@localhost> ./ftp.py -c clientName -e envName -f file1,file2,dir1,dir2
to pull a directory or file, specify action as "pull" in config.yaml, specify remote_path and local_path
action: pull
local_path: /path/to/where/you/want/to/download/dir/to
remote_path: /path/on/remote/FTP/server/where/file/sits/on
now pull the file,
./ftp.py -c <client> -e <environment>
Uniftp will create a directory on your Local Path and pull files and folders from Remote path to your local path
To run UniFTP as another user, for example if some user named 'joe' runs a script that needs to FTP a file,
create a sudoers file that lets Joe access 'uniftp' account,
vi /etc/sudoers.d/uniftp
joe ALL=(uniftp) NOPASSWD: ALL
now run the command as Joe;
joe@localhost> sudo -u uniftp -c "/opt/uniftp/ftp.py -c ClientName -e prod -f /tmp/file1
UniFTP can email you if theres an error during an FTP process.
open up uniftp/globals.py and enable email
EMAIL_TO = 'admin@company.com'
UniFTP will log all FTP transactions into /opt/uniftp/ftp.log file,
[INFO] 2021-06-11 12:17:06,797 >> pushing to client: clientA, file: /mnt/s3/reports/clientA/file.csv, env: uat
[INFO] 2021-06-11 12:17:09,332 >> files on target host: None
[INFO] 2021-06-11 12:22:01,393 >> pushing to client: clientB, file: /mnt/s3/reports/clientB/somefile.csv, env: test
[INFO] 2021-06-11 12:22:03,132 >> files on target host: None
to see all options, run HELP
./ftp.py --help