diff --git a/pepdbagent/db_utils.py b/pepdbagent/db_utils.py
index c9f93b3..f59be18 100644
--- a/pepdbagent/db_utils.py
+++ b/pepdbagent/db_utils.py
@@ -324,3 +324,15 @@ def check_db_connection(self):
         except ProgrammingError:
             raise SchemaError()
+    def delete_schema(self, engine=None) -> None:
+        """
+        Delete sql schema in the database.
+        :param engine: sqlalchemy engine [Default: None]
+        :return: None
+        """
+        if not engine:
+            engine = self._engine
+        Base.metadata.drop_all(engine)
+        return None
diff --git a/pepdbagent/pepdbagent.py b/pepdbagent/pepdbagent.py
index fc1a386..1519c33 100644
--- a/pepdbagent/pepdbagent.py
+++ b/pepdbagent/pepdbagent.py
@@ -45,47 +45,48 @@ def __init__(
         sa_engine = pep_db_engine.engine
-        self.__sa_engine = sa_engine
+        self.pep_db_engine = pep_db_engine
+        self._sa_engine = sa_engine
-        self.__project = PEPDatabaseProject(pep_db_engine)
-        self.__annotation = PEPDatabaseAnnotation(pep_db_engine)
-        self.__namespace = PEPDatabaseNamespace(pep_db_engine)
-        self.__sample = PEPDatabaseSample(pep_db_engine)
-        self.__user = PEPDatabaseUser(pep_db_engine)
-        self.__view = PEPDatabaseView(pep_db_engine)
+        self._project = PEPDatabaseProject(pep_db_engine)
+        self._annotation = PEPDatabaseAnnotation(pep_db_engine)
+        self._namespace = PEPDatabaseNamespace(pep_db_engine)
+        self._sample = PEPDatabaseSample(pep_db_engine)
+        self._user = PEPDatabaseUser(pep_db_engine)
+        self._view = PEPDatabaseView(pep_db_engine)
-        self.__db_name = database
+        self._db_name = database
     def project(self) -> PEPDatabaseProject:
-        return self.__project
+        return self._project
     def annotation(self) -> PEPDatabaseAnnotation:
-        return self.__annotation
+        return self._annotation
     def namespace(self) -> PEPDatabaseNamespace:
-        return self.__namespace
+        return self._namespace
     def user(self) -> PEPDatabaseUser:
-        return self.__user
+        return self._user
     def sample(self) -> PEPDatabaseSample:
-        return self.__sample
+        return self._sample
     def view(self) -> PEPDatabaseView:
-        return self.__view
+        return self._view
     def __str__(self):
         return f"Connection to the database: '{self.__db_name}' is set!"
     def __exit__(self):
-        self.__sa_engine.__exit__()
+        self._sa_engine.__exit__()
     def connection(self):
-        return self.__sa_engine
+        return self._sa_engine
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 19ec436..d1a1c6b 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
-import os
-import peppy
-import pytest
-from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
-from pepdbagent import PEPDatabaseAgent
-DNS = "postgresql+psycopg://postgres:docker@localhost:5432/pep-db"
-DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
-    "tests",
-    "data",
-def get_path_to_example_file(namespace, project_name):
-    return os.path.join(DATA_PATH, namespace, project_name, "project_config.yaml")
-def list_of_available_peps():
-    pep_namespaces = os.listdir(DATA_PATH)
-    projects = {}
-    for np in pep_namespaces:
-        pep_name = os.listdir(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, np))
-        projects[np] = {p: get_path_to_example_file(np, p) for p in pep_name}
-    return projects
-def initiate_pepdb_con(
-    list_of_available_peps,
-    sa_engine = create_engine(DNS)
-    with sa_engine.begin() as conn:
-        conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS projects CASCADE"))
-        conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS samples CASCADE"))
-        conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS subsamples CASCADE"))
-        conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS stars CASCADE"))
-        conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS users CASCADE"))
-        conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS views CASCADE"))
-        conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS views_samples CASCADE"))
-    pepdb_con = PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS, echo=True)
-    for namespace, item in list_of_available_peps.items():
-        if namespace == "private_test":
-            private = True
-        else:
-            private = False
-        for name, path in item.items():
-            prj = peppy.Project(path)
-            pepdb_con.project.create(
-                namespace=namespace,
-                name=name,
-                tag="default",
-                is_private=private,
-                project=prj,
-                overwrite=True,
-                pep_schema="random_schema_name",
-            )
-    yield pepdb_con
-def initiate_empty_pepdb_con(
-    list_of_available_peps,
-    """
-    create connection without adding peps to the db
-    """
-    # sa_engine = create_engine(DNS)
-    # with sa_engine.begin() as conn:
-    #     conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS projects CASCADE"))
-    #     conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS samples CASCADE"))
-    #     conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS subsamples CASCADE"))
-    pepdb_con = PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS, echo=False)
-    yield pepdb_con
+# import os
+# import peppy
+# import pytest
+# from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
+# from pepdbagent import PEPDatabaseAgent
+# DNS = "postgresql+psycopg://postgres:docker@localhost:5432/pep-db"
+# DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
+#     os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
+#     "tests",
+#     "data",
+# )
+# def get_path_to_example_file(namespace, project_name):
+#     return os.path.join(DATA_PATH, namespace, project_name, "project_config.yaml")
+# @pytest.fixture
+# def list_of_available_peps():
+#     pep_namespaces = os.listdir(DATA_PATH)
+#     projects = {}
+#     for np in pep_namespaces:
+#         pep_name = os.listdir(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, np))
+#         projects[np] = {p: get_path_to_example_file(np, p) for p in pep_name}
+#     return projects
+# @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
+# def initiate_pepdb_con(
+#     list_of_available_peps,
+# ):
+#     sa_engine = create_engine(DNS)
+#     with sa_engine.begin() as conn:
+#         conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS projects CASCADE"))
+#         conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS samples CASCADE"))
+#         conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS subsamples CASCADE"))
+#         conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS stars CASCADE"))
+#         conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS users CASCADE"))
+#         conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS views CASCADE"))
+#         conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS views_samples CASCADE"))
+#     pepdb_con = PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS, echo=True)
+#     for namespace, item in list_of_available_peps.items():
+#         if namespace == "private_test":
+#             private = True
+#         else:
+#             private = False
+#         for name, path in item.items():
+#             prj = peppy.Project(path)
+#             pepdb_con.project.create(
+#                 namespace=namespace,
+#                 name=name,
+#                 tag="default",
+#                 is_private=private,
+#                 project=prj,
+#                 overwrite=True,
+#                 pep_schema="random_schema_name",
+#             )
+#     yield pepdb_con
+# @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
+# def initiate_empty_pepdb_con(
+#     list_of_available_peps,
+# ):
+#     """
+#     create connection without adding peps to the db
+#     """
+#     # sa_engine = create_engine(DNS)
+#     # with sa_engine.begin() as conn:
+#     #     conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS projects CASCADE"))
+#     #     conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS samples CASCADE"))
+#     #     conn.execute(text("DROP table IF EXISTS subsamples CASCADE"))
+#     pepdb_con = PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS, echo=False)
+#     yield pepdb_con
diff --git a/tests/test_annotation.py b/tests/test_annotation.py
index f70addb..583f4eb 100644
--- a/tests/test_annotation.py
+++ b/tests/test_annotation.py
@@ -1,38 +1,12 @@
 import datetime
-import os
-import warnings
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
-import pepdbagent
 from pepdbagent.exceptions import FilterError, ProjectNotFoundError
-from .conftest import DNS
-DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
-    "tests",
-    "data",
-def db_setup():
-    # Check if the database is setup
-    try:
-        pepdbagent.PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS)
-    except OperationalError:
-        warnings.warn(
-            UserWarning(
-                f"Skipping tests, because DB is not setup. {DNS}. To setup DB go to README.md"
-            )
-        )
-        return False
-    return True
+from .utils import PEPDBAgentContextManager
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestAnnotation:
@@ -50,13 +24,14 @@ class TestAnnotation:
             ["namespace3", "subtable1"],
-    def test_annotation_of_one_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-        )
-        assert result.results[0].namespace == namespace
+    def test_annotation_of_one_project(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+            )
+            assert result.results[0].namespace == namespace
         "namespace, name",
@@ -64,13 +39,14 @@ def test_annotation_of_one_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace6", "amendments1"],
-    def test_annotation_of_one_non_existing_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        with pytest.raises(ProjectNotFoundError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-                namespace=namespace,
-                name=name,
-                tag="default",
-            )
+    def test_annotation_of_one_non_existing_project(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            with pytest.raises(ProjectNotFoundError):
+                agent.annotation.get(
+                    namespace=namespace,
+                    name=name,
+                    tag="default",
+                )
         "namespace, n_projects",
@@ -82,12 +58,13 @@ def test_annotation_of_one_non_existing_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namesp
             ["private_test", 0],
-    def test_annotation_all(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, n_projects):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace,
-        )
-        assert result.count == n_projects
-        assert len(result.results) == n_projects
+    def test_annotation_all(self, namespace, n_projects):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace,
+            )
+            assert result.count == n_projects
+            assert len(result.results) == n_projects
         "namespace, n_projects",
@@ -100,10 +77,11 @@ def test_annotation_all(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, n_projects):
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("admin", ("private_test", ["private_test", "bbb"]))
-    def test_annotation_all_private(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, n_projects, admin):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, admin=admin)
-        assert result.count == n_projects
-        assert len(result.results) == n_projects
+    def test_annotation_all_private(self, namespace, n_projects, admin):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, admin=admin)
+            assert result.count == n_projects
+            assert len(result.results) == n_projects
         "namespace, limit, n_projects",
@@ -116,10 +94,11 @@ def test_annotation_all_private(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, n_projects,
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("admin", ("private_test", ["private_test", "bbb"]))
-    def test_annotation_limit(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, limit, admin, n_projects):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, admin=admin, limit=limit)
-        assert result.count == n_projects
-        assert len(result.results) == limit
+    def test_annotation_limit(self, namespace, limit, admin, n_projects):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, admin=admin, limit=limit)
+            assert result.count == n_projects
+            assert len(result.results) == limit
         "namespace, order_by, first_name",
@@ -131,11 +110,12 @@ def test_annotation_limit(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, limit, admin, n_p
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("admin", ["private_test"])
-    def test_order_by(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, admin, order_by, first_name):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace, admin=admin, order_by=order_by
-        )
-        assert result.results[0].name == first_name
+    def test_order_by(self, namespace, admin, order_by, first_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace, admin=admin, order_by=order_by
+            )
+            assert result.results[0].name == first_name
         "namespace, order_by, last_name",
@@ -147,14 +127,15 @@ def test_order_by(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, admin, order_by, first_na
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("admin", ["private_test"])
-    def test_order_by_desc(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, admin, order_by, last_name):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            admin=admin,
-            order_by=order_by,
-            order_desc=True,
-        )
-        assert result.results[0].name == last_name
+    def test_order_by_desc(self, namespace, admin, order_by, last_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                admin=admin,
+                order_by=order_by,
+                order_desc=True,
+            )
+            assert result.results[0].name == last_name
         "namespace, query, found_number",
@@ -166,9 +147,10 @@ def test_order_by_desc(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, admin, order_by, las
             [None, "re", 2],
-    def test_name_search(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, query=query)
-        assert len(result.results) == found_number
+    def test_name_search(self, namespace, query, found_number):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, query=query)
+            assert len(result.results) == found_number
         "namespace, query, found_number",
@@ -180,11 +162,12 @@ def test_name_search(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number):
             [None, "re", 3],
-    def test_name_search_private(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace, query=query, admin="private_test"
-        )
-        assert len(result.results) == found_number
+    def test_name_search_private(self, namespace, query, found_number):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace, query=query, admin="private_test"
+            )
+            assert len(result.results) == found_number
         "namespace, name",
@@ -196,27 +179,28 @@ def test_name_search_private(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_n
             ["namespace3", "subtable1"],
-    def test_all_annotations_are_returned(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-        )
-        assert result.results[0].model_fields_set == {
-            "is_private",
-            "tag",
-            "namespace",
-            "digest",
-            "description",
-            "number_of_samples",
-            "name",
-            "last_update_date",
-            "submission_date",
-            "pep_schema",
-            "pop",
-            "stars_number",
-            "forked_from",
-        }
+    def test_all_annotations_are_returned(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+            )
+            assert result.results[0].model_fields_set == {
+                "is_private",
+                "tag",
+                "namespace",
+                "digest",
+                "description",
+                "number_of_samples",
+                "name",
+                "last_update_date",
+                "submission_date",
+                "pep_schema",
+                "pop",
+                "stars_number",
+                "forked_from",
+            }
         "namespace, query, found_number",
@@ -225,18 +209,19 @@ def test_all_annotations_are_returned(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name)
             [None, "re", 3],
-    def test_search_filter_success(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number):
-        date_now = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-        date_old = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=5)
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            query=query,
-            admin="private_test",
-            filter_by="submission_date",
-            filter_start_date=date_old.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
-            filter_end_date=date_now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
-        )
-        assert len(result.results) == found_number
+    def test_search_filter_success(self, namespace, query, found_number):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            date_now = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+            date_old = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=5)
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                query=query,
+                admin="private_test",
+                filter_by="submission_date",
+                filter_start_date=date_old.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
+                filter_end_date=date_now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
+            )
+            assert len(result.results) == found_number
         "namespace, query, found_number",
@@ -245,18 +230,19 @@ def test_search_filter_success(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found
             [None, "re", 0],
-    def test_search_filter_zero_prj(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number):
-        date_now = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
-        date_old = date_now - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            query=query,
-            admin="private_test",
-            filter_by="submission_date",
-            filter_start_date=date_old.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
-            filter_end_date=date_now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
-        )
-        assert len(result.results) == found_number
+    def test_search_filter_zero_prj(self, namespace, query, found_number):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            date_now = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
+            date_old = date_now - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                query=query,
+                admin="private_test",
+                filter_by="submission_date",
+                filter_start_date=date_old.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
+                filter_end_date=date_now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
+            )
+            assert len(result.results) == found_number
         "namespace, query, found_number",
@@ -265,19 +251,20 @@ def test_search_filter_zero_prj(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, foun
     def test_search_incorrect_filter_by_string(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number
+        self, namespace, query, found_number
-        date_now = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
-        date_old = date_now - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
-        with pytest.raises(FilterError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-                namespace=namespace,
-                query=query,
-                admin="private_test",
-                filter_by="incorrect",
-                filter_start_date=date_old.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
-                filter_end_date=date_now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
-            )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            date_now = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
+            date_old = date_now - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
+            with pytest.raises(FilterError):
+                agent.annotation.get(
+                    namespace=namespace,
+                    query=query,
+                    admin="private_test",
+                    filter_by="incorrect",
+                    filter_start_date=date_old.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
+                    filter_end_date=date_now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
+                )
         "rp_list, admin, found_number",
@@ -304,13 +291,16 @@ def test_search_incorrect_filter_by_string(
-    def test_get_annotation_by_rp_list(self, initiate_pepdb_con, rp_list, admin, found_number):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get_by_rp_list(rp_list)
-        assert len(result.results) == found_number
+    def test_get_annotation_by_rp_list(self, rp_list, admin, found_number):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get_by_rp_list(rp_list)
+            assert len(result.results) == found_number
-    def test_get_annotation_by_rp_enpty_list(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get_by_rp_list([])
-        assert len(result.results) == 0
+    def test_get_annotation_by_rp_enpty_list(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get_by_rp_list([])
+            assert len(result.results) == 0
         "namespace, query, found_number",
@@ -319,10 +309,12 @@ def test_get_annotation_by_rp_enpty_list(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
     def test_search_incorrect_incorrect_pep_type(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number
+        self, namespace, query, found_number
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, pep_type="incorrect")
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+                agent.annotation.get(namespace=namespace, pep_type="incorrect")
         "namespace, query, found_number",
@@ -331,10 +323,11 @@ def test_search_incorrect_incorrect_pep_type(
     def test_project_list_without_annotation(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, query, found_number
+        self, namespace, query, found_number
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get_projects_list(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            search_str=query,
-        )
-        assert len(result) == found_number
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get_projects_list(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                search_str=query,
+            )
+            assert len(result) == found_number
diff --git a/tests/test_namespace.py b/tests/test_namespace.py
index aa49889..ebb4cc4 100644
--- a/tests/test_namespace.py
+++ b/tests/test_namespace.py
@@ -1,37 +1,11 @@
-import os
-import warnings
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
-import pepdbagent
 from pepdbagent.exceptions import ProjectAlreadyInFavorites, ProjectNotInFavorites
-from .conftest import DNS
-DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
-    "tests",
-    "data",
-def db_setup():
-    # Check if the database is setup
-    try:
-        pepdbagent.PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS)
-    except OperationalError:
-        warnings.warn(
-            UserWarning(
-                f"Skipping tests, because DB is not setup. {DNS}. To setup DB go to README.md"
-            )
-        )
-        return False
-    return True
+from .utils import PEPDBAgentContextManager
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestNamespace:
@@ -39,32 +13,36 @@ class TestNamespace:
     Test function within namespace class
-    def test_annotation(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.namespace.get()
-        assert len(result.results) == 3
-    def test_annotation_private(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.namespace.get(admin="private_test")
-        assert len(result.results) == 4
-    def test_namespace_info(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace="private_test",
-            name="derive",
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"is_private": False},
-        )
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.namespace.info()
-        assert len(result.results) == 4
-        assert result.results[3].number_of_projects == 1
+    def test_annotation(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.namespace.get()
+            assert len(result.results) == 3
+    def test_annotation_private(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.namespace.get(admin="private_test")
+            assert len(result.results) == 4
+    def test_namespace_info(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace="private_test",
+                name="derive",
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"is_private": False},
+            )
+            result = agent.namespace.info()
+            assert len(result.results) == 4
+            assert result.results[3].number_of_projects == 1
-    def test_namespace_stats(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
-        stat_result = initiate_pepdb_con.namespace.stats(monthly=True)
-        assert next(iter(stat_result.projects_created.values()), 0) == 30
+    def test_namespace_stats(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            stat_result = agent.namespace.stats(monthly=True)
+            assert next(iter(stat_result.projects_created.values()), 0) == 30
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestFavorites:
@@ -72,24 +50,26 @@ class TestFavorites:
     Test function within user class
-    def test_add_projects_to_favorites(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace="namespace1",
-        )
-        for project in result.results:
-            initiate_pepdb_con.user.add_project_to_favorites(
-                "random_namespace", project.namespace, project.name, "default"
+    def test_add_projects_to_favorites(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace="namespace1",
-        fav_results = initiate_pepdb_con.user.get_favorites("random_namespace")
+            for project in result.results:
+                agent.user.add_project_to_favorites(
+                    "random_namespace", project.namespace, project.name, "default"
+                )
+            fav_results = agent.user.get_favorites("random_namespace")
-        assert fav_results.count == len(result.results)
+            assert fav_results.count == len(result.results)
         # This can fail if the order of the results is different
         assert fav_results.results[0].namespace == result.results[0].namespace
-    def test_count_project_none(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.user.get_favorites("private_test")
-        assert result.count == 0
+    def test_count_project_none(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            result = agent.user.get_favorites("private_test")
+            assert result.count == 0
         "namespace, name",
@@ -97,12 +77,13 @@ def test_count_project_none(self, initiate_pepdb_con):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_count_project_one(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.user.add_project_to_favorites(namespace, namespace, name, "default")
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.user.get_favorites("namespace1")
-        assert result.count == 1
-        result1 = initiate_pepdb_con.user.get_favorites("private_test")
-        assert result1.count == 0
+    def test_count_project_one(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.user.add_project_to_favorites(namespace, namespace, name, "default")
+            result = agent.user.get_favorites("namespace1")
+            assert result.count == 1
+            result1 = agent.user.get_favorites("private_test")
+            assert result1.count == 0
         "namespace, name",
@@ -110,18 +91,19 @@ def test_count_project_one(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_remove_from_favorite(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.user.add_project_to_favorites("namespace1", namespace, name, "default")
-        initiate_pepdb_con.user.add_project_to_favorites(
-            "namespace1", namespace, "amendments2", "default"
-        )
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.user.get_favorites("namespace1")
-        assert result.count == len(result.results) == 2
-        initiate_pepdb_con.user.remove_project_from_favorites(
-            "namespace1", namespace, name, "default"
-        )
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.user.get_favorites("namespace1")
-        assert result.count == len(result.results) == 1
+    def test_remove_from_favorite(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.user.add_project_to_favorites("namespace1", namespace, name, "default")
+            agent.user.add_project_to_favorites(
+                "namespace1", namespace, "amendments2", "default"
+            )
+            result = agent.user.get_favorites("namespace1")
+            assert result.count == len(result.results) == 2
+            agent.user.remove_project_from_favorites(
+                "namespace1", namespace, name, "default"
+            )
+            result = agent.user.get_favorites("namespace1")
+            assert result.count == len(result.results) == 1
         "namespace, name",
@@ -129,11 +111,12 @@ def test_remove_from_favorite(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_remove_from_favorite_error(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        with pytest.raises(ProjectNotInFavorites):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.user.remove_project_from_favorites(
-                "namespace1", namespace, name, "default"
-            )
+    def test_remove_from_favorite_error(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            with pytest.raises(ProjectNotInFavorites):
+                agent.user.remove_project_from_favorites(
+                    "namespace1", namespace, name, "default"
+                )
         "namespace, name",
@@ -141,12 +124,13 @@ def test_remove_from_favorite_error(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_favorites_duplication_error(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.user.add_project_to_favorites("namespace1", namespace, name, "default")
-        with pytest.raises(ProjectAlreadyInFavorites):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.user.add_project_to_favorites(
-                "namespace1", namespace, name, "default"
-            )
+    def test_favorites_duplication_error(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.user.add_project_to_favorites("namespace1", namespace, name, "default")
+            with pytest.raises(ProjectAlreadyInFavorites):
+                agent.user.add_project_to_favorites(
+                    "namespace1", namespace, name, "default"
+                )
         "namespace, name",
@@ -154,12 +138,13 @@ def test_favorites_duplication_error(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_annotation_favorite_number(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.user.add_project_to_favorites("namespace1", namespace, name, "default")
-        annotations_in_namespace = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get("namespace1")
-        for prj_annot in annotations_in_namespace.results:
-            if prj_annot.name == name:
-                assert prj_annot.stars_number == 1
-            else:
-                assert prj_annot.stars_number == 0
+    def test_annotation_favorite_number(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.user.add_project_to_favorites("namespace1", namespace, name, "default")
+            annotations_in_namespace = agent.annotation.get("namespace1")
+            for prj_annot in annotations_in_namespace.results:
+                if prj_annot.name == name:
+                    assert prj_annot.stars_number == 1
+                else:
+                    assert prj_annot.stars_number == 0
diff --git a/tests/test_project.py b/tests/test_project.py
index bc3c84e..29b08cb 100644
--- a/tests/test_project.py
+++ b/tests/test_project.py
@@ -1,43 +1,14 @@
-import os
-import warnings
 import numpy as np
 import peppy
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
-import pepdbagent
 from pepdbagent.exceptions import ProjectNotFoundError
-from .conftest import DNS
-DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
-    "tests",
-    "data",
-def get_path_to_example_file(namespace, project_name):
-    return os.path.join(DATA_PATH, namespace, project_name, "project_config.yaml")
-def db_setup():
-    # Check if the database is setup
-    try:
-        pepdbagent.PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS)
-    except OperationalError:
-        warnings.warn(
-            UserWarning(
-                f"Skipping tests, because DB is not setup. {DNS}. To setup DB go to README.md"
-            )
-        )
-        return False
-    return True
+from .utils import PEPDBAgentContextManager, get_path_to_example_file, list_of_available_peps
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestProject:
@@ -45,22 +16,24 @@ class TestProject:
     Test project methods
-    def test_create_project(self, initiate_empty_pepdb_con, list_of_available_peps):
-        prj = peppy.Project(list_of_available_peps["namespace3"]["subtables"])
-        initiate_empty_pepdb_con.project.create(
-            prj, namespace="test", name="imply", overwrite=True
-        )
-        assert True
-    def test_create_project_from_dict(self, initiate_empty_pepdb_con, list_of_available_peps):
-        prj = peppy.Project(list_of_available_peps["namespace3"]["subtables"])
-        initiate_empty_pepdb_con.project.create(
-            prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records"),
-            namespace="test",
-            name="imply",
-            overwrite=True,
-        )
-        assert True
+    def test_create_project(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=False) as agent:
+            prj = peppy.Project(list_of_available_peps()["namespace3"]["subtables"])
+            agent.project.create(
+                prj, namespace="test", name="imply", overwrite=True
+            )
+            assert True
+    def test_create_project_from_dict(self):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=False) as agent:
+            prj = peppy.Project(list_of_available_peps()["namespace3"]["subtables"])
+            agent.project.create(
+                prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records"),
+                namespace="test",
+                name="imply",
+                overwrite=True,
+            )
+            assert True
         "namespace, name",
@@ -74,12 +47,13 @@ def test_create_project_from_dict(self, initiate_empty_pepdb_con, list_of_availa
             ["namespace3", "subtable2"],
-    def test_get_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        kk = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(
-            namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", raw=False
-        )
-        ff = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
-        assert kk == ff
+    def test_get_project(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            kk = agent.project.get(
+                namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", raw=False
+            )
+            ff = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
+            assert kk == ff
         "namespace, name",
@@ -87,17 +61,18 @@ def test_get_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_get_config(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        description = ""
-        kk = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get_config(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-        )
-        ff = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
-        ff.description = description
-        ff.name = name
-        assert kk == ff.config
+    def test_get_config(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            description = ""
+            kk = agent.project.get_config(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+            )
+            ff = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
+            ff.description = description
+            ff.name = name
+            assert kk == ff.config
         "namespace, name",
@@ -105,18 +80,19 @@ def test_get_config(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace3", "subtables"],
-    def test_get_subsamples(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        prj_subtables = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get_subsamples(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-        )
-        orgiginal_prj = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
+    def test_get_subsamples(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj_subtables = agent.project.get_subsamples(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+            )
+            orgiginal_prj = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
-        assert (
-            prj_subtables
-            == orgiginal_prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records")["_subsample_list"]
-        )
+            assert (
+                prj_subtables
+                == orgiginal_prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records")["_subsample_list"]
+            )
         "namespace, name",
@@ -124,15 +100,16 @@ def test_get_subsamples(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace3", "subtables"],
-    def test_get_samples_raw(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        prj_samples = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get_samples(
-            namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", raw=True
-        )
-        orgiginal_prj = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
+    def test_get_samples_raw(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj_samples = agent.project.get_samples(
+                namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", raw=True
+            )
+            orgiginal_prj = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
-        assert (
-            prj_samples == orgiginal_prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records")["_sample_dict"]
-        )
+            assert (
+                prj_samples == orgiginal_prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records")["_sample_dict"]
+            )
         "namespace, name",
@@ -140,18 +117,19 @@ def test_get_samples_raw(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace3", "subtables"],
-    def test_get_samples_processed(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        prj_samples = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get_samples(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            raw=False,
-        )
-        orgiginal_prj = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
+    def test_get_samples_processed(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj_samples = agent.project.get_samples(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                raw=False,
+            )
+            orgiginal_prj = peppy.Project(get_path_to_example_file(namespace, name))
-        assert prj_samples == orgiginal_prj.sample_table.replace({np.nan: None}).to_dict(
-            orient="records"
-        )
+            assert prj_samples == orgiginal_prj.sample_table.replace({np.nan: None}).to_dict(
+                orient="records"
+            )
         "namespace, name,tag",
@@ -163,9 +141,10 @@ def test_get_samples_processed(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "incorrect_name", "default"],
-    def test_get_project_error(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, tag):
-        with pytest.raises(ProjectNotFoundError, match="Project does not exist."):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag=tag)
+    def test_get_project_error(self, namespace, name, tag):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            with pytest.raises(ProjectNotFoundError, match="Project does not exist."):
+                agent.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag=tag)
         "namespace, name",
@@ -176,18 +155,19 @@ def test_get_project_error(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, tag):
             ["namespace2", "imply"],
-    def test_overwrite_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        new_prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace="namespace1", name="basic", raw=False)
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.create(
-            project=new_prj,
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            overwrite=True,
-        )
+    def test_overwrite_project(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            new_prj = agent.project.get(namespace="namespace1", name="basic", raw=False)
+            agent.project.create(
+                project=new_prj,
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                overwrite=True,
+            )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False) == new_prj
+            assert agent.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False) == new_prj
         "namespace, name",
@@ -198,11 +178,12 @@ def test_overwrite_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace2", "imply"],
-    def test_delete_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.delete(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
+    def test_delete_project(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.delete(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
-        with pytest.raises(ProjectNotFoundError, match="Project does not exist."):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
+            with pytest.raises(ProjectNotFoundError, match="Project does not exist."):
+                agent.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
         "namespace, name",
@@ -213,23 +194,24 @@ def test_delete_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace2", "imply"],
-    def test_fork_projects(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.fork(
-            original_namespace=namespace,
-            original_name=name,
-            original_tag="default",
-            fork_namespace="new_namespace",
-            fork_name="new_name",
-            fork_tag="new_tag",
-        )
+    def test_fork_projects(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.fork(
+                original_namespace=namespace,
+                original_name=name,
+                original_tag="default",
+                fork_namespace="new_namespace",
+                fork_name="new_name",
+                fork_tag="new_tag",
+            )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(
-            namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
-        )
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
-        )
-        assert result.results[0].forked_from == f"{namespace}/{name}:default"
+            assert agent.project.exists(
+                namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
+            )
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
+            )
+            assert result.results[0].forked_from == f"{namespace}/{name}:default"
         "namespace, name",
@@ -238,26 +220,27 @@ def test_fork_projects(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments2"],
-    def test_parent_project_delete(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
+    def test_parent_project_delete(self, namespace, name):
         Test if parent project is deleted, forked project is not deleted
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.fork(
-            original_namespace=namespace,
-            original_name=name,
-            original_tag="default",
-            fork_namespace="new_namespace",
-            fork_name="new_name",
-            fork_tag="new_tag",
-        )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.fork(
+                original_namespace=namespace,
+                original_name=name,
+                original_tag="default",
+                fork_namespace="new_namespace",
+                fork_name="new_name",
+                fork_tag="new_tag",
+            )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(
-            namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.delete(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(
-            namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
-        )
+            assert agent.project.exists(
+                namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
+            )
+            agent.project.delete(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
+            assert agent.project.exists(
+                namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
+            )
         "namespace, name",
@@ -266,27 +249,28 @@ def test_parent_project_delete(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments2"],
-    def test_child_project_delete(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
+    def test_child_project_delete(self, namespace, name):
         Test if child project is deleted, parent project is not deleted
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.fork(
-            original_namespace=namespace,
-            original_name=name,
-            original_tag="default",
-            fork_namespace="new_namespace",
-            fork_name="new_name",
-            fork_tag="new_tag",
-        )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.fork(
+                original_namespace=namespace,
+                original_name=name,
+                original_tag="default",
+                fork_namespace="new_namespace",
+                fork_name="new_name",
+                fork_tag="new_tag",
+            )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(
-            namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
-        )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.delete(
-            namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
-        )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
+            assert agent.project.exists(
+                namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
+            )
+            assert agent.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
+            agent.project.delete(
+                namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
+            )
+            assert agent.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default")
         "namespace, name",
@@ -295,33 +279,34 @@ def test_child_project_delete(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments2"],
-    def test_project_can_be_forked_twice(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
+    def test_project_can_be_forked_twice(self, namespace, name):
         Test if project can be forked twice
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.fork(
-            original_namespace=namespace,
-            original_name=name,
-            original_tag="default",
-            fork_namespace="new_namespace",
-            fork_name="new_name",
-            fork_tag="new_tag",
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.fork(
-            original_namespace=namespace,
-            original_name=name,
-            original_tag="default",
-            fork_namespace="new_namespace2",
-            fork_name="new_name2",
-            fork_tag="new_tag2",
-        )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.fork(
+                original_namespace=namespace,
+                original_name=name,
+                original_tag="default",
+                fork_namespace="new_namespace",
+                fork_name="new_name",
+                fork_tag="new_tag",
+            )
+            agent.project.fork(
+                original_namespace=namespace,
+                original_name=name,
+                original_tag="default",
+                fork_namespace="new_namespace2",
+                fork_name="new_name2",
+                fork_tag="new_tag2",
+            )
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
-        )
-        assert result.results[0].forked_from == f"{namespace}/{name}:default"
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace="new_namespace", name="new_name", tag="new_tag"
+            )
+            assert result.results[0].forked_from == f"{namespace}/{name}:default"
-        result = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-            namespace="new_namespace2", name="new_name2", tag="new_tag2"
-        )
-        assert result.results[0].forked_from == f"{namespace}/{name}:default"
+            result = agent.annotation.get(
+                namespace="new_namespace2", name="new_name2", tag="new_tag2"
+            )
+            assert result.results[0].forked_from == f"{namespace}/{name}:default"
diff --git a/tests/test_samples.py b/tests/test_samples.py
index 99c73b6..f1bfb3a 100644
--- a/tests/test_samples.py
+++ b/tests/test_samples.py
@@ -1,38 +1,11 @@
-import os
-import warnings
 import peppy
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
-import pepdbagent
 from pepdbagent.exceptions import SampleNotFoundError
-from .conftest import DNS
-DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
-    "tests",
-    "data",
-def db_setup():
-    # Check if the database is setup
-    try:
-        pepdbagent.PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS)
-    except OperationalError:
-        warnings.warn(
-            UserWarning(
-                f"Skipping tests, because DB is not setup. {DNS}. To setup DB go to README.md"
-            )
-        )
-        return False
-    return True
+from .utils import PEPDBAgentContextManager
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestSamples:
@@ -42,10 +15,11 @@ class TestSamples:
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_retrieve_one_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        one_sample = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
-        assert isinstance(one_sample, peppy.Sample)
-        assert one_sample.sample_name == sample_name
+    def test_retrieve_one_sample(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            one_sample = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
+            assert isinstance(one_sample, peppy.Sample)
+            assert one_sample.sample_name == sample_name
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -53,10 +27,11 @@ def test_retrieve_one_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_n
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_retrieve_raw_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        one_sample = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name)
-        assert isinstance(one_sample, dict)
-        assert one_sample["sample_name"] == sample_name
+    def test_retrieve_raw_sample(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            one_sample = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name)
+            assert isinstance(one_sample, dict)
+            assert one_sample["sample_name"] == sample_name
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -65,11 +40,12 @@ def test_retrieve_raw_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_n
     def test_retrieve_sample_with_modified_sample_id(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name
+        self, namespace, name, sample_name
-        one_sample = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
-        assert isinstance(one_sample, peppy.Sample)
-        assert one_sample.sample_id == "frog_1"
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            one_sample = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
+            assert isinstance(one_sample, peppy.Sample)
+            assert one_sample.sample_id == "frog_1"
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -77,16 +53,17 @@ def test_retrieve_sample_with_modified_sample_id(
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_update(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            sample_name=sample_name,
-            update_dict={"organism": "butterfly"},
-        )
-        one_sample = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
-        assert one_sample.organism == "butterfly"
+    def test_update(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.sample.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                sample_name=sample_name,
+                update_dict={"organism": "butterfly"},
+            )
+            one_sample = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
+            assert one_sample.organism == "butterfly"
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -94,16 +71,17 @@ def test_update(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_update_sample_name(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            sample_name=sample_name,
-            update_dict={"sample_name": "butterfly"},
-        )
-        one_sample = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, "butterfly", raw=False)
-        assert one_sample.sample_name == "butterfly"
+    def test_update_sample_name(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.sample.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                sample_name=sample_name,
+                update_dict={"sample_name": "butterfly"},
+            )
+            one_sample = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, "butterfly", raw=False)
+            assert one_sample.sample_name == "butterfly"
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -111,16 +89,17 @@ def test_update_sample_name(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_na
             ["namespace2", "custom_index", "frog_1"],
-    def test_update_custom_sample_id(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            sample_name=sample_name,
-            update_dict={"sample_id": "butterfly"},
-        )
-        one_sample = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, "butterfly", raw=False)
-        assert one_sample.sample_id == "butterfly"
+    def test_update_custom_sample_id(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.sample.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                sample_name=sample_name,
+                update_dict={"sample_id": "butterfly"},
+            )
+            one_sample = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, "butterfly", raw=False)
+            assert one_sample.sample_id == "butterfly"
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -128,17 +107,18 @@ def test_update_custom_sample_id(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, samp
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_add_new_attributes(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            sample_name=sample_name,
-            update_dict={"new_attr": "butterfly"},
-        )
-        prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
-        assert prj.get_sample(sample_name).new_attr == "butterfly"
+    def test_add_new_attributes(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.sample.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                sample_name=sample_name,
+                update_dict={"new_attr": "butterfly"},
+            )
+            prj = agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
+            assert prj.get_sample(sample_name).new_attr == "butterfly"
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -146,21 +126,22 @@ def test_add_new_attributes(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_na
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_project_timestamp_was_changed(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        annotation1 = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(namespace, name, "default")
-        import time
-        time.sleep(0.2)
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            sample_name=sample_name,
-            update_dict={"new_attr": "butterfly"},
-        )
-        annotation2 = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(namespace, name, "default")
-        assert annotation1.results[0].last_update_date != annotation2.results[0].last_update_date
+    def test_project_timestamp_was_changed(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            annotation1 = agent.annotation.get(namespace, name, "default")
+            import time
+            time.sleep(0.2)
+            agent.sample.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                sample_name=sample_name,
+                update_dict={"new_attr": "butterfly"},
+            )
+            annotation2 = agent.annotation.get(namespace, name, "default")
+            assert annotation1.results[0].last_update_date != annotation2.results[0].last_update_date
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -168,16 +149,17 @@ def test_project_timestamp_was_changed(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_delete_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        one_sample = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
-        assert isinstance(one_sample, peppy.Sample)
+    def test_delete_sample(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            one_sample = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, sample_name, raw=False)
+            assert isinstance(one_sample, peppy.Sample)
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.delete(namespace, name, tag="default", sample_name=sample_name)
+            agent.sample.delete(namespace, name, tag="default", sample_name=sample_name)
-        with pytest.raises(SampleNotFoundError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(
-                namespace, name, tag="default", sample_name=sample_name, raw=False
-            )
+            with pytest.raises(SampleNotFoundError):
+                agent.sample.get(
+                    namespace, name, tag="default", sample_name=sample_name, raw=False
+                )
         "namespace, name, tag, sample_dict",
@@ -193,14 +175,15 @@ def test_delete_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-    def test_add_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, tag, sample_dict):
-        prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.add(namespace, name, tag, sample_dict)
+    def test_add_sample(self, namespace, name, tag, sample_dict):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj = agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
+            agent.sample.add(namespace, name, tag, sample_dict)
-        prj2 = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
+            prj2 = agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
-        assert len(prj.samples) + 1 == len(prj2.samples)
-        assert prj2.samples[-1].sample_name == sample_dict["sample_name"]
+            assert len(prj.samples) + 1 == len(prj2.samples)
+            assert prj2.samples[-1].sample_name == sample_dict["sample_name"]
         "namespace, name, tag, sample_dict",
@@ -216,17 +199,18 @@ def test_add_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, tag, sample_dict)
-    def test_overwrite_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, tag, sample_dict):
-        assert (
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).get_sample("pig_0h").time
-            == "0"
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.add(namespace, name, tag, sample_dict, overwrite=True)
-        assert (
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).get_sample("pig_0h").time
-            == "new_time"
-        )
+    def test_overwrite_sample(self, namespace, name, tag, sample_dict):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            assert (
+                agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).get_sample("pig_0h").time
+                == "0"
+            )
+            agent.sample.add(namespace, name, tag, sample_dict, overwrite=True)
+            assert (
+                agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).get_sample("pig_0h").time
+                == "new_time"
+            )
         "namespace, name, tag, sample_dict",
@@ -242,10 +226,11 @@ def test_overwrite_sample(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, tag, sample
-    def test_delete_and_add(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, tag, sample_dict):
-        prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
-        sample_dict = initiate_pepdb_con.sample.get(namespace, name, "pig_0h", raw=True)
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.delete(namespace, name, tag, "pig_0h")
-        initiate_pepdb_con.sample.add(namespace, name, tag, sample_dict)
-        prj2 = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
-        assert prj.get_sample("pig_0h").to_dict() == prj2.get_sample("pig_0h").to_dict()
+    def test_delete_and_add(self, namespace, name, tag, sample_dict):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj = agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
+            sample_dict = agent.sample.get(namespace, name, "pig_0h", raw=True)
+            agent.sample.delete(namespace, name, tag, "pig_0h")
+            agent.sample.add(namespace, name, tag, sample_dict)
+            prj2 = agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
+            assert prj.get_sample("pig_0h").to_dict() == prj2.get_sample("pig_0h").to_dict()
diff --git a/tests/test_updates.py b/tests/test_updates.py
index 6fb4e02..d6155e0 100644
--- a/tests/test_updates.py
+++ b/tests/test_updates.py
@@ -1,38 +1,11 @@
-import os
-import warnings
 import peppy
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
-import pepdbagent
 from pepdbagent.exceptions import ProjectDuplicatedSampleGUIDsError, SampleTableUpdateError
-from .conftest import DNS
-DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
-    "tests",
-    "data",
-def db_setup():
-    # Check if the database is setup
-    try:
-        pepdbagent.PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS)
-    except OperationalError:
-        warnings.warn(
-            UserWarning(
-                f"Skipping tests, because DB is not setup. {DNS}. To setup DB go to README.md"
-            )
-        )
-        return False
-    return True
+from .utils import PEPDBAgentContextManager
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestProjectUpdate:
@@ -43,14 +16,15 @@ class TestProjectUpdate:
             ["namespace1", "amendments2", "name2"],
-    def test_update_project_name(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, new_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"name": new_name},
-        )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=new_name, tag="default")
+    def test_update_project_name(self, namespace, name, new_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"name": new_name},
+            )
+            assert agent.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=new_name, tag="default")
         "namespace, name,new_name",
@@ -59,18 +33,19 @@ def test_update_project_name(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, new_name
             ["namespace1", "amendments2", "name2"],
-    def test_update_project_name_in_config(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, new_name):
-        prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(
-            namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False, with_id=True
-        )
-        prj.name = new_name
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"project": prj},
-        )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=new_name, tag="default")
+    def test_update_project_name_in_config(self, namespace, name, new_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj = agent.project.get(
+                namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False, with_id=True
+            )
+            prj.name = new_name
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"project": prj},
+            )
+            assert agent.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=new_name, tag="default")
         "namespace, name, new_tag",
@@ -79,14 +54,15 @@ def test_update_project_name_in_config(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name
             ["namespace1", "amendments2", "tag2"],
-    def test_update_project_tag(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, new_tag):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"tag": new_tag},
-        )
-        assert initiate_pepdb_con.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag=new_tag)
+    def test_update_project_tag(self, namespace, name, new_tag):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"tag": new_tag},
+            )
+            assert agent.project.exists(namespace=namespace, name=name, tag=new_tag)
         "namespace, name, new_description",
@@ -96,21 +72,22 @@ def test_update_project_tag(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, new_tag):
     def test_update_project_description(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, new_description
+        self, namespace, name, new_description
-        prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False)
-        prj.description = new_description
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"description": new_description},
-        )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj = agent.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False)
+            prj.description = new_description
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"description": new_description},
+            )
-        assert (
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False).description
-            == new_description
-        )
+            assert (
+                agent.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False).description
+                == new_description
+            )
         "namespace, name, new_description",
@@ -119,23 +96,24 @@ def test_update_project_description(
     def test_update_project_description_in_config(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, new_description
+        self, namespace, name, new_description
-        prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(
-            namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False, with_id=True
-        )
-        prj.description = new_description
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"project": prj},
-        )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            prj = agent.project.get(
+                namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False, with_id=True
+            )
+            prj.description = new_description
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"project": prj},
+            )
-        assert (
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False).description
-            == new_description
-        )
+            assert (
+                agent.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False).description
+                == new_description
+            )
         "namespace, name",
@@ -144,36 +122,36 @@ def test_update_project_description_in_config(
             ["namespace3", "subtable1"],
-    def test_update_whole_project(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        new_prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace="namespace1", name="basic", raw=False)
-        # update name. If name is different, it will update name too
-        new_prj.name = name
-        with pytest.raises(SampleTableUpdateError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-                namespace=namespace,
-                name=name,
-                tag="default",
-                update_dict={"project": new_prj},
-            )
+    def test_update_whole_project(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            new_prj = agent.project.get(namespace="namespace1", name="basic", raw=False)
+            # update name. If name is different, it will update name too
+            new_prj.name = name
+            with pytest.raises(SampleTableUpdateError):
+                agent.project.update(
+                    namespace=namespace,
+                    name=name,
+                    tag="default",
+                    update_dict={"project": new_prj},
+                )
         "namespace, name, pep_schema",
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "schema1"],
             ["namespace2", "derive", "schema3"],
-            ["namespace1", "basic", "schema4"],
-            ["namespace2", "derive", "schema5"],
-    def test_update_pep_schema(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, pep_schema):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"pep_schema": pep_schema},
-        )
-        res = initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(namespace, name, "default")
-        assert res.results[0].pep_schema == pep_schema
+    def test_update_pep_schema(self, namespace, name, pep_schema):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"pep_schema": pep_schema},
+            )
+            res = agent.annotation.get(namespace, name, "default")
+            assert res.results[0].pep_schema == pep_schema
         "namespace, name",
@@ -181,22 +159,23 @@ def test_update_pep_schema(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, pep_schema
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_update_project_private(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"is_private": True},
-        )
+    def test_update_project_private(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"is_private": True},
+            )
-        is_private = (
-            initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-                namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", admin=[namespace]
+            is_private = (
+                agent.annotation.get(
+                    namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", admin=[namespace]
+                )
+                .results[0]
+                .is_private
-            .results[0]
-            .is_private
-        )
-        assert is_private is True
+            assert is_private is True
         "namespace, name",
@@ -204,39 +183,40 @@ def test_update_project_private(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-    def test_update_project_pop(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"pop": True},
-        )
+    def test_update_project_pop(self, namespace, name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"pop": True},
+            )
-        pop = (
-            initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-                namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", admin=[namespace]
+            pop = (
+                agent.annotation.get(
+                    namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", admin=[namespace]
+                )
+                .results[0]
+                .pop
-            .results[0]
-            .pop
-        )
-        assert pop is True
+            assert pop is True
-        # Update to pop = False and check if it is updated
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"pop": False},
-        )
+            # Update to pop = False and check if it is updated
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"pop": False},
+            )
-        pop = (
-            initiate_pepdb_con.annotation.get(
-                namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", admin=[namespace]
+            pop = (
+                agent.annotation.get(
+                    namespace=namespace, name=name, tag="default", admin=[namespace]
+                )
+                .results[0]
+                .pop
-            .results[0]
-            .pop
-        )
-        assert pop is False
+            assert pop is False
         "namespace, name",
@@ -244,42 +224,43 @@ def test_update_project_pop(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
             ["namespace1", "basic"],
-    def test_project_can_have_2_sample_names(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
+    def test_project_can_have_2_sample_names(self, namespace, name):
         In PEP 2.1.0 project can have 2 rows with same sample name,
         ensure that update works correctly
-        new_prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(
-            namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False, with_id=True
-        )
-        prj_dict = new_prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records")
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            new_prj = agent.project.get(
+                namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=False, with_id=True
+            )
+            prj_dict = new_prj.to_dict(extended=True, orient="records")
-        prj_dict["_sample_dict"].append(
-            {"file": "data/frog23_data.txt", "protocol": "anySample3Type", "sample_name": "frog_2"}
-        )
-        prj_dict["_sample_dict"].append(
-            {
-                "file": "data/frog23_data.txt4",
-                "protocol": "anySample3Type4",
-                "sample_name": "frog_2",
-            }
-        )
+            prj_dict["_sample_dict"].append(
+                {"file": "data/frog23_data.txt", "protocol": "anySample3Type", "sample_name": "frog_2"}
+            )
+            prj_dict["_sample_dict"].append(
+                {
+                    "file": "data/frog23_data.txt4",
+                    "protocol": "anySample3Type4",
+                    "sample_name": "frog_2",
+                }
+            )
-        new_prj.description = "new_description"
-        initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            update_dict={"project": peppy.Project.from_dict(prj_dict)},
-        )
+            new_prj.description = "new_description"
+            agent.project.update(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                update_dict={"project": peppy.Project.from_dict(prj_dict)},
+            )
-        prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=True)
+            prj = agent.project.get(namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=True)
-        assert len(prj["_sample_dict"]) == 4
+            assert len(prj["_sample_dict"]) == 4
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestUpdateProjectWithId:
@@ -290,7 +271,7 @@ class TestUpdateProjectWithId:
             ["namespace3", "subtable1"],
-    def test_update_whole_project_with_id(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name):
+    def test_update_whole_project_with_id(self, namespace, name):
     # TODO: write more tests
@@ -299,26 +280,21 @@ def test_update_whole_project_with_id(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name)
         "namespace, name",
             ["namespace1", "amendments1"],
-            # ["namespace3", "subtable1"],
     def test_update_project_with_duplicated_sample_guids(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name
+        self, namespace, name
-        new_prj = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(
-            namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=True, with_id=True
-        )
-        new_prj["_sample_dict"].append(new_prj["_sample_dict"][0])
-        with pytest.raises(ProjectDuplicatedSampleGUIDsError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.project.update(
-                namespace=namespace,
-                name=name,
-                tag="default",
-                update_dict={"project": peppy.Project.from_dict(new_prj)},
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            new_prj = agent.project.get(
+                namespace=namespace, name=name, raw=True, with_id=True
-class TestProjectSamplesUpdates:
-    ...
-    # TODO: write tests
+            new_prj["_sample_dict"].append(new_prj["_sample_dict"][0])
+            with pytest.raises(ProjectDuplicatedSampleGUIDsError):
+                agent.project.update(
+                    namespace=namespace,
+                    name=name,
+                    tag="default",
+                    update_dict={"project": peppy.Project.from_dict(new_prj)},
+                )
diff --git a/tests/test_views.py b/tests/test_views.py
index f7b0590..159efda 100644
--- a/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/tests/test_views.py
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
-import os
-import warnings
 import pytest
-from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
-import pepdbagent
 from pepdbagent.exceptions import (
@@ -12,35 +7,11 @@
-from .conftest import DNS
-DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
-    "tests",
-    "data",
-def get_path_to_example_file(namespace, project_name):
-    return os.path.join(DATA_PATH, namespace, project_name, "project_config.yaml")
-def db_setup():
-    # Check if the database is setup
-    try:
-        pepdbagent.PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=DNS)
-    except OperationalError:
-        warnings.warn(
-            UserWarning(
-                f"Skipping tests, because DB is not setup. {DNS}. To setup DB go to README.md"
-            )
-        )
-        return False
-    return True
+from .utils import PEPDBAgentContextManager
-    not db_setup(),
+    not PEPDBAgentContextManager().db_setup(),
     reason="DB is not setup",
 class TestViews:
@@ -54,23 +25,24 @@ class TestViews:
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h", "view1"],
-    def test_create_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            view_name,
-            {
-                "project_namespace": namespace,
-                "project_name": name,
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
-            },
-        )
+    def test_create_view(self, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.view.create(
+                view_name,
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": namespace,
+                    "project_name": name,
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
+                },
+            )
-        project = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
-        view_project = initiate_pepdb_con.view.get(
-            namespace, name, "default", view_name, raw=False
-        )
-        assert len(view_project.samples) == 2
-        assert view_project != project
+            project = agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
+            view_project = agent.view.get(
+                namespace, name, "default", view_name, raw=False
+            )
+            assert len(view_project.samples) == 2
+            assert view_project != project
         "namespace, name, sample_name, view_name",
@@ -79,18 +51,19 @@ def test_create_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name, vie
     def test_create_view_with_incorrect_sample(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name
+        self, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name
-        with pytest.raises(SampleNotFoundError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-                "view1",
-                {
-                    "project_namespace": "namespace1",
-                    "project_name": "amendments1",
-                    "project_tag": "default",
-                    "sample_list": ["pig_0h", "pig_1h", "pig_2h"],
-                },
-            )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            with pytest.raises(SampleNotFoundError):
+                agent.view.create(
+                    "view1",
+                    {
+                        "project_namespace": "namespace1",
+                        "project_name": "amendments1",
+                        "project_tag": "default",
+                        "sample_list": ["pig_0h", "pig_1h", "pig_2h"],
+                    },
+                )
         "namespace, name, sample_name, view_name",
@@ -99,24 +72,25 @@ def test_create_view_with_incorrect_sample(
     def test_create_view_with_incorrect_sample_no_fail(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name
+        self, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            "view1",
-            {
-                "project_namespace": "namespace1",
-                "project_name": "amendments1",
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": ["pig_0h", "pig_1h", "pig_2h"],
-            },
-            no_fail=True,
-        )
-        project = initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
-        view_project = initiate_pepdb_con.view.get(
-            namespace, name, "default", view_name, raw=False
-        )
-        assert len(view_project.samples) == 2
-        assert view_project != project
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.view.create(
+                "view1",
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": "namespace1",
+                    "project_name": "amendments1",
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": ["pig_0h", "pig_1h", "pig_2h"],
+                },
+                no_fail=True,
+            )
+            project = agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False)
+            view_project = agent.view.get(
+                namespace, name, "default", view_name, raw=False
+            )
+            assert len(view_project.samples) == 2
+            assert view_project != project
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -124,26 +98,27 @@ def test_create_view_with_incorrect_sample_no_fail(
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_delete_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            "view1",
-            {
-                "project_namespace": namespace,
-                "project_name": name,
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
-            },
-        )
-        assert (
-            len(
-                initiate_pepdb_con.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+    def test_delete_view(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.view.create(
+                "view1",
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": namespace,
+                    "project_name": name,
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
+                },
-            == 2
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.delete(namespace, name, "default", "view1")
-        with pytest.raises(ViewNotFoundError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False)
-        assert len(initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).samples) == 4
+            assert (
+                len(
+                    agent.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+                )
+                == 2
+            )
+            agent.view.delete(namespace, name, "default", "view1")
+            with pytest.raises(ViewNotFoundError):
+                agent.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False)
+            assert len(agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).samples) == 4
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -151,23 +126,24 @@ def test_delete_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_add_sample_to_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            "view1",
-            {
-                "project_namespace": namespace,
-                "project_name": name,
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": [sample_name],
-            },
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.add_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", "pig_1h")
-        assert (
-            len(
-                initiate_pepdb_con.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+    def test_add_sample_to_view(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.view.create(
+                "view1",
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": namespace,
+                    "project_name": name,
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": [sample_name],
+                },
+            )
+            agent.view.add_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", "pig_1h")
+            assert (
+                len(
+                    agent.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+                )
+                == 2
-            == 2
-        )
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -175,25 +151,26 @@ def test_add_sample_to_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_na
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_add_multiple_samples_to_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            "view1",
-            {
-                "project_namespace": namespace,
-                "project_name": name,
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": [sample_name],
-            },
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.add_sample(
-            namespace, name, "default", "view1", ["pig_1h", "frog_0h"]
-        )
-        assert (
-            len(
-                initiate_pepdb_con.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+    def test_add_multiple_samples_to_view(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.view.create(
+                "view1",
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": namespace,
+                    "project_name": name,
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": [sample_name],
+                },
+            )
+            agent.view.add_sample(
+                namespace, name, "default", "view1", ["pig_1h", "frog_0h"]
+            )
+            assert (
+                len(
+                    agent.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+                )
+                == 3
-            == 3
-        )
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -201,27 +178,28 @@ def test_add_multiple_samples_to_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name,
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_remove_sample_from_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            "view1",
-            {
-                "project_namespace": namespace,
-                "project_name": name,
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
-            },
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.remove_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", sample_name)
-        assert (
-            len(
-                initiate_pepdb_con.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+    def test_remove_sample_from_view(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.view.create(
+                "view1",
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": namespace,
+                    "project_name": name,
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
+                },
-            == 1
-        )
-        assert len(initiate_pepdb_con.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).samples) == 4
+            agent.view.remove_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", sample_name)
+            assert (
+                len(
+                    agent.view.get(namespace, name, "default", "view1", raw=False).samples
+                )
+                == 1
+            )
+            assert len(agent.project.get(namespace, name, raw=False).samples) == 4
-        with pytest.raises(SampleNotInViewError):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.view.remove_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", sample_name)
+            with pytest.raises(SampleNotInViewError):
+                agent.view.remove_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", sample_name)
         "namespace, name, sample_name",
@@ -229,18 +207,19 @@ def test_remove_sample_from_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, samp
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h"],
-    def test_add_existing_sample_in_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name):
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            "view1",
-            {
-                "project_namespace": namespace,
-                "project_name": name,
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
-            },
-        )
-        with pytest.raises(SampleAlreadyInView):
-            initiate_pepdb_con.view.add_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", sample_name)
+    def test_add_existing_sample_in_view(self, namespace, name, sample_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            agent.view.create(
+                "view1",
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": namespace,
+                    "project_name": name,
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
+                },
+            )
+            with pytest.raises(SampleAlreadyInView):
+                agent.view.add_sample(namespace, name, "default", "view1", sample_name)
         "namespace, name, sample_name, view_name",
@@ -248,15 +227,16 @@ def test_add_existing_sample_in_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name,
             ["namespace1", "amendments1", "pig_0h", "view1"],
-    def test_get_snap_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name):
-        snap_project = initiate_pepdb_con.view.get_snap_view(
-            namespace=namespace,
-            name=name,
-            tag="default",
-            sample_name_list=[sample_name, "pig_1h"],
-        )
+    def test_get_snap_view(self, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name):
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            snap_project = agent.view.get_snap_view(
+                namespace=namespace,
+                name=name,
+                tag="default",
+                sample_name_list=[sample_name, "pig_1h"],
+            )
-        assert len(snap_project.samples) == 2
+            assert len(snap_project.samples) == 2
         "namespace, name, sample_name, view_name",
@@ -265,22 +245,23 @@ def test_get_snap_view(self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name, v
     def test_get_view_list_from_project(
-        self, initiate_pepdb_con, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name
+        self, namespace, name, sample_name, view_name
-        assert (
-            len(initiate_pepdb_con.view.get_views_annotation(namespace, name, "default").views)
-            == 0
-        )
-        initiate_pepdb_con.view.create(
-            "view1",
-            {
-                "project_namespace": namespace,
-                "project_name": name,
-                "project_tag": "default",
-                "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
-            },
-        )
-        assert (
-            len(initiate_pepdb_con.view.get_views_annotation(namespace, name, "default").views)
-            == 1
-        )
+        with PEPDBAgentContextManager(add_data=True) as agent:
+            assert (
+                len(agent.view.get_views_annotation(namespace, name, "default").views)
+                == 0
+            )
+            agent.view.create(
+                "view1",
+                {
+                    "project_namespace": namespace,
+                    "project_name": name,
+                    "project_tag": "default",
+                    "sample_list": [sample_name, "pig_1h"],
+                },
+            )
+            assert (
+                len(agent.view.get_views_annotation(namespace, name, "default").views)
+                == 1
+            )
diff --git a/tests/utils.py b/tests/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee217f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import os
+import peppy
+import warnings
+from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
+from typing import Union
+from pepdbagent.db_utils import BaseEngine
+from pepdbagent import PEPDatabaseAgent
+DSN = "postgresql+psycopg://postgres:docker@localhost:5432/pep-db"
+DATA_PATH = os.path.join(
+    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))),
+    "tests",
+    "data",
+def get_path_to_example_file(namespace: str, project_name: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Get path to example file
+    """
+    return os.path.join(DATA_PATH, namespace, project_name, "project_config.yaml")
+def list_of_available_peps() -> dict:
+    pep_namespaces = os.listdir(DATA_PATH)
+    projects = {}
+    for np in pep_namespaces:
+        pep_name = os.listdir(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, np))
+        projects[np] = {p: get_path_to_example_file(np, p) for p in pep_name}
+    return projects
+class PEPDBAgentContextManager:
+    """
+    Class with context manager to connect to database. Adds data and drops everything from the database upon exit to ensure.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, url: str = DSN, add_data: bool = False):
+        """
+        :param url: database url e.g. "postgresql+psycopg://postgres:docker@localhost:5432/pep-db"
+        :param add_data: add data to the database
+        """
+        self.url = url
+        self._agent = None
+        self.add_data = add_data
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self._agent = PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=self.url, echo=False)
+        self.db_engine = self._agent.pep_db_engine
+        self.db_engine.create_schema()
+        if self.add_data:
+            self._insert_data()
+        return self._agent
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
+        self.db_engine.delete_schema()
+    def _insert_data(self):
+        pepdb_con = PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=self.url, echo=True)
+        for namespace, item in list_of_available_peps().items():
+            if namespace == "private_test":
+                private = True
+            else:
+                private = False
+            for name, path in item.items():
+                prj = peppy.Project(path)
+                pepdb_con.project.create(
+                    namespace=namespace,
+                    name=name,
+                    tag="default",
+                    is_private=private,
+                    project=prj,
+                    overwrite=True,
+                    pep_schema="random_schema_name",
+                )
+    @property
+    def agent(self) -> PEPDatabaseAgent:
+        return self._agent
+    def db_setup(self):
+        # Check if the database is setup
+        try:
+            PEPDatabaseAgent(dsn=self.url)
+        except OperationalError:
+            warnings.warn(
+                UserWarning(
+                    f"Skipping tests, because DB is not setup. {self.url}. To setup DB go to README.md"
+                )
+            )
+            return False
+        return True