MacSyFinder - Detection of macromolecular systems in protein datasets using systems modelling and similarity search.
MacSyFinder v2: Néron, Bertrand; Denise, Rémi; Coluzzi, Charles; Touchon, Marie; Rocha, Eduardo P.C.; Abby, Sophie S. MacSyFinder v2: Improved modelling and search engine to identify molecular systems in genomes. Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e28. doi : 10.24072/pcjournal.250.
MacSyFinder v1: Abby SS, Néron B, Ménager H, Touchon M, Rocha EPC (2014). MacSyFinder: A Program to Mine Genomes for Molecular Systems with an Application to CRISPR-Cas Systems. PLoS ONE 9(10): e110726. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110726
We encourage to install macsyfinder in a virtualenv
After creating a virtualenv dedicated to macsyfinder and activating it
python3 -m venv my_project
cd my_project
source bin/activate
you can install macsyfinder as described below:
python3 -m pip install macsyfinder==x.x
where x.x
is the version number
mamba install -c bioconda macsyfinder=x.x
where x.x
is the version number
git clone
cd macsyfinder
python3 -m pip install .
git clone
cd macsyfinder
python3 -m pip install .[dev]
python3 test
python3 tests/ -vv
or to run a specific test
python3 tests/ -vv tests/
Models are no longer shipped along macsyfinder package. To install Models you can use macsydata
macsydata allow to manage models stored in macsy-models.
Below some most useful commands.
- available: List Models available on macsy-models.
- search: Discover new packages.
- install: Install or upgarde packages.
- uninstall: Uninstall packages.
- cite: How to cite a package.
- ...
For complete documentation see macsydata section on readthedoc
For models not stored in macsy-models the commands available, search, installation from remote or upgrade from remote are NOT available.
For models Not stored in macsy-models, you have to manage them semi-manually. Download the archive (do not unarchive it), then use macsydata for the installation.
You will find complete documentation for setting up your project on readthedocs
Two example datasets with command lines and expected output files are available here and here (for a more thorough one). The 1st dataset is also described in the Documentation.
MacSyFinder is also available as Docker container
The computations are performed under msf
user in /home/msf
inside the container.
So You have to mount a directory from the host in the container to exchange data (inputs data, and results)
from the host and the container.
The shared directory must be writable by the msf
user or overwrite the user in the container by your id (see example below)
Furthermore the models are no longer packaged along macsyfinder. So you have to install them by yourself. For that we provide a command line tool macsydata which is inspired by pip
macsydata search PACKNAME
macsydata install PACKNAME== or >=, or ... VERSION
To work with Docker you have to install models in a directory which will be mounted in the image at run time
mkdir shared_dir
cd shared_dir
# install desired models in my_models
docker run -v ${PWD}/:/home/msf -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) gempasteur/macsyfinder:<tag> macsydata install --target /home/msf/my_models MODELS
# run msf with these models
docker run -v ${PWD}/:/home/msf -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) gempasteur/macsyfinder:<tag> --db-type gembase --models-dir=/home/msf/my_models/ --models TFF-SF Archaeal-T4P ComM MSH T2SS T4bP T4P Tad --sequence-db my_genome.fasta -w 12
As the docker image is registered in docker hub you can also use it directly with apptainer.
Unlike docker you have not to worry about shared directory, your home
and /tmp
are automatically shared.
apptainer run -H ${HOME} docker://gempasteur/macsyfinder:<tag> macsydata install --target my_models MODELS
apptainer run -H ${HOME} docker://gempasteur/macsyfinder:<tag> macsyfinder --db-type gembase --models-dir=my_models --models TFF-SF Archaeal-T4P ComM MSH T2SS T4bP T4P Tad --sequence-db my_genome.fasta -w 12
MacSyFinder is developed and released under
We encourage contributions, bug report, enhancement ...
But before to do that, we encourage to read the contributing guide.
List of all people who participated in the macsyfinder project.
The setsid
binary in utils directory is used only for functional tests on macosx.
The binary has been build using the setsid-macosx project.