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The bottom line. Follow your Nose, or our Nose. Write-run-love tests ✊.

Code of Conduct

Check out the Code of Conduct. Don't tl:dr; it, but the general idea is to be nice.

Have a Bug Report?

Open an issue! Go to It's possible that your issue was already addressed. If it wasn't, open it. We also accept PRs; take a look at the steps below for instructions on how to do this.

Have Questions about Plotly?

Check out our Support App: or Community Forum:


Fork, Clone, Setup Your Version of the Plotly Python API

First, you'll need to get our project. This is the appropriate clone command (if you're unfamiliar with this process,

DO THIS (in the directory where you want the repo to live)

git clone


Second, this project uses git submodules! They're both helpful and, at times, difficult to work with. The good news is you probably don't need to think about them! Just run the following shell command to make sure that your local repo is wired properly:

DO THIS (run this command in your new directory)

make setup_subs

That's going to initialize the submodules we use in this project, update them so that they're synced to the proper commit, and copy files to the appropriate locations in your local repo.

Here's what you need to know: changes to any files inside the following directories will get overwritten. These are synced with the submodules, if you need to change functionality there, you will need to make a pull request in the appropriate sub project repository.

  • chunked_requests
  • graph_reference
  • mplexporter

Additionally, there are some project shortcuts that live in the makefile file. You can read all about this in the make_instructions.txt file. OR, just run:

make readme

Making a Development Branch

Third, don't work in the master branch. As soon as you get your master branch ready, run:

DO THIS (but change the branch name)

git checkout -b my-dev-branch

... where you should give your branch a more descriptive name than my-dev-branch

Pull Request When Ready

Once you've made your changes (and hopefully written some tests...), make that pull request!


Local Python

Setting up Python versions that don't require you to use sudo is a good idea. In addition, the core Python on your machine may not be the Python that we've developed in! Here are some nice guides for Mac, Windows, and Linux:


Virtualenv is a way to create Python environments on your machine that know nothing about one another. This is really helpful for ironing out dependency-problems arising from different versions of packages. Here's a nice guide on how to do this:


The PYTHONPATH variable in your shell tells Python where to look for modules. Since you'll be developing, it'll be a pain to need to install Python every time you need to test some functionality (or at least ensure you're running code from the right directory...). You can easily make this change from a shell:

export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/local/repo:$PYTHONPATH"

Note, that's non-permanent. When you close the shell, that variable definition disappears. Also, path/to/local/repo is your specific repository path (e.g., /Users/andrew/projects/python-api).


Now you can run the following code and be guaranteed to have a working development version that you can make changes to on-the-fly, test, and be confident will not break on other's machines!

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r optional-requirements.txt
export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/local/repo:$PYTHONPATH"


There's a short list of core dependencies you'll need installed in your Python environment to have any sort of fun with Plotly's Python API (see requirements.txt). Additionally, you're likely to have even more fun if you install some other requirements (see optional-requirements.txt).

Dependencies and Virtualenv

If you decided to follow the suggestion about the Virtualenv and you've run source bin/activate within your new virtualenv directory to activate it--you can run the following to install the core dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To install the optional dependencies:

pip install -r optional-requirements.txt

ipywidget development install

$ jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
$ jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix plotlywidget
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix plotlywidget

Update to a new version of Plotly.js

First update the version of the plotly.js dependency in js/package.json.

Then run the updateplotlyjs command with:

$ python updateplotlyjs

This will download new versions of plot-schema.json and plotly.min.js from the plotly/plotly.js GitHub repository (and place them in plotly/package_data). It will then regenerate all of the graph_objs classes based on the new schema.


We take advantage of two tools to run tests:

  • tox, which is both a virtualenv management and test tool.
  • nose, which is is an extension of Python's unittest

Running Tests with nose

Since our tests cover all the functionality, to prevent tons of errors from showing up and having to parse through a messy output, you'll need to install optional-requirements.txt as explained above.

After you've done that, go ahead and follow (y)our Nose!

nosetests -w plotly/tests

Or for more verbose output:

nosetests -w plotly/tests -v

Either of those will run every test we've written for the Python API. You can get more granular by running something like:

nosetests -w plotly/tests/test_plotly

... or even more granular by running something like:

nosetests plotly/tests/test_plotly/

Running tests with tox

Running tests with tox is much more powerful, but requires a bit more setup.

You'll need to export an environment variable for each tox environment you wish to test with. For example, if you want to test with Python 2.7 and Python 3.4, but only care to check the core specs, you would need to ensure that the following variables are exported:

export PLOTLY_TOX_PYTHON_27=<python binary>
export PLOTLY_TOX_PYTHON_34=<python binary>

Where the <python binary is going to be specific to your development setup. As a more complete example, you might have this loaded in a .bash_profile (or equivalent shell loader):

# tox envs #

export PLOTLY_TOX_PYTHON_27=python2.7
export PLOTLY_TOX_PYTHON_34=python3.4
export TOXENV=py27-core,py34-core

Where TOXENV is the environment list you want to use when invoking tox from the command line. Note that the PLOTLY_TOX_* pattern is used to pass in variables for use in the tox.ini file. Though this is a little setup, intensive, you'll get the following benefits:

  • tox will automatically manage a virtual env for each environment you want to test in.
  • You only have to run tox and know that the module is working in both Python 2 and Python 3.

Finally, tox allows you to pass in additional command line arguments that are formatted in (by us) in the tox.ini file, see {posargs}. This is setup to help with our nose attr configuration. To run only tests that are not tagged with slow, you could use the following command:

tox -- -a '!slow'

Note that anything after -- is substituted in for {posargs} in the tox.ini. For completeness, because it's reasonably confusing, if you want to force a match for multiple nose attr tags, you comma-separate the tags like so:

tox -- -a '!slow','!matplotlib'

Writing Tests

You're strongly encouraged to write tests that check your added functionality.

When you write a new test anywhere under the tests directory, if your PR gets accepted, that test will run in a virtual machine to ensure that future changes don't break your contributions!

Test accounts include: PythonTest, PlotlyImageTest, and PlotlyStageTest.

Release process

This is the release process for releasing version X.Y.Z with plotlywidget version A.B.C.

Note: The plotlywidget instructions must be followed if any change has been made in the js/ directory source code, OR if the version of plotly.js has been updated. If neither of these is the case, there's no need to increment the plotlywidget version or to publish a new version to npm.

Create a release branch

After all of the functionality for the release has been merged into master, create a branch named release_X.Y.Z. This branch will become the final version

Bump to release candidate version

Next increment the version of to X.Y.Zrc1, and the version of plotlywidget to A.B.C-rc.1. In both cases rc is the semantic versioning code for Release Candidate. The number 1 means that this is the first release candidate, this number can be incremented if we need to publish multiple release candidates. Note that the npm suffix is -rc.1 and the PyPI suffix is rc1.

  • plotly/
    • Update __version__ to X.Y.Zrc1
    • Update __frontend_version__ to ^A.B.C-rc.1 (Note the ^ prefix)
  • js/package.json
    • Update "version" to A.B.C-rc.1

Publishing and plotlywidget as release candidates allows us to go through the publication process, and test that the installed packages work properly before general users will get them by default. It also gives us the opportunity to ask specific users to test that their bug reports are in fact resolved before we pull the trigger on the official release.

Finalize changelog

Review the contents of We try to follow the keepachangelog guidelines. Make sure the changelog includes the version being published at the top, along with the expected publication date.

Use the Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, and Security labels for all changes to If the version of plotly.js has been updated, include this as the first Updated entry. Call out any noteable changes as sub-bullets (new trace types in particular), and provide a link to the plotly.js CHANGELOG.

As the first entry in the changelog, include a JupyterLab Versions section. Here, document the versions of plotlywidget, @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager, jupyterlab, and @jupyterlab/plotly-extension that are known to be compatible with this version of

Note: Use the official (not release candidate) versions in the CHANGELOG.

Update installation instructions

Update the installation instructions in the README to the new versions of all of the dependencies. Use the release candidate versions, this way we can point people to the README of the release_X.Y.Z as the instructions for trying out the release candidate.

Publish release candidate to PyPI

To upload to PyPI you'll also need to have twine installed:

( $ pip install twine

And, you'll need the credentials file ~/.pypirc. Request access from @theengineear and @chriddyp. Then, from inside the repository:

( $ git checkout release_X.Y.Z
( $ git stash
( $ python sdist
( $ twine upload dist/plotly-X.Y.Zrc1*

Publish release candidate of plotlywidget to NPM

Now, publish the release candidate of the plotlywidget NPM package.

cd ./js
npm publish --access public --tag next

The --tag next part ensures that users won't install this version unless they explicitly ask for the version or for the version wtih the next tag.

Manually test the release candidate

Create a fresh virtual environment (or conda environment) and install the release candidate by following the new instructions, replacing X.Y.Z with X.Y.Zrc1 and A.B.C with A.B.C-rc.1.

In particular

  • pip install plotly==X.Y.Z -> pip install plotly==X.Y.Zrc1
  • jupyter labextension install plotlywidget@A.B.C -> jupyter labextension install plotlywidget@A.B.C-rc.1

Run through the example notebooks at using the classic notebook and JupyterLab. Make sure FigureWidget objects are displayed as plotly figures, and make sure the in-place updates and callbacks work.

If appropriate, ask users who have submitted bug reports or feature requests that are resolved in this version to try out the release candidate.

If problems are found in the release candidate, fix them on the release branch and then publish another release candidate with the candidate number incremented.

Finalize versions

When no problems are identified in the release candidate, remove the release candidate suffix from the following version strings:

  • plotly/
    • Update __version__ to X.Y.Z
    • Update __frontend_version__ to ^A.B.C (Note the ^ prefix)
  • js/package.json
    • Update "version" to A.B.C

Merge release into master

Make sure the integration tests are passing on the release branch, then merge it into master on GitHub.

Update your local master, tag this merge commit as vX.Y.Z (e.g. v3.1.1), and push the tag.

( $ git checkout master
( $ git stash
( $ git pull origin master
( $ git tag vX.Y.Z
( $ git push origin vX.Y.Z

Publishing to Pip

Publish the final version to PyPI

( $ python sdist bdist_wheel
( $ twine upload dist/plotly-X.Y.Z*

After it has uploaded, move to another environment and double+triple check that you are able to upgrade ok:

$ pip install plotly --upgrade

And ask one of your friends to do it too. Our tests should catch any issues, but you never know.

<3 Team Plotly

Publish widget library to npm

Finally, publish the final version of the widget library to npm with:

cd ./js
npm publish --access public

Publishing to the plotly conda channel

After publishing to PyPI, update the set version number to match the PyPI version.

Compute the new SHA256 hash from the sdist package in the local dist/ directory.

$ shasum -a 256 dist/plotly-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

Make sure you have the conda-build and anaconda-client packages installed and then perform the conda build.

$ conda build recipe/

When conda-build returns successfully it will display the path to the new package.

Next run anaconda login and enter the credentials for the plotly anaconda channel.

Then run anaconda upload /path/to/plotly-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2

Run anaconda logout

Post announcement

Post a simple announcement to the Plotly Python forum, with links to the README installation instructions and to the CHANGELOG.

Contributing to the Figure Factories

If you are interested in contributing to the ever-growing Plotly figure factory library in Python, check out the documentation to learn how.