Releases: pekempy/NFOBuilder
v1.0.5 contains a Windows/Linux/MacOS release
Please see Wiki pages for installation guides:
🐛 Fixed a bug caused by 1.0.4 wherein you couldn't create multiple NFOs as editing the Cast table the second time would cause a segmentation fault crash. This now works properly.
v1.0.4 contains a Windows Release Zip and a Linux AppImage. And a first attempt at MacOS .dmg
🪟 Windows Zip
Extract to your preferred location and run NFOBuilder.exe
🐧 Linux AppImage
chmod +x NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
and then ./NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
If you encounter any errors please let me know.
🍎 MacOS dmg
Double click it and run the NFO Creator inside.
You will get a warning it's from an unknown developer
- Go to System Preferences
- Security & Privacy
- General tab
- Under
Allow apps downloaded from:
you should be able to allow the program to run
🍎 Added MacOS release
🍎 Fixed some GUI issues in MacOS release
🐛 Fixed a bug which caused a crash when clicking empty rows in the cast table
v1.0.3 contains a Windows Release Zip and a Linux AppImage. And a first attempt at MacOS .dmg
Windows Zip
Extract to your preferred location and run NFOBuilder.exe
Linux AppImage
chmod +x NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
and then ./NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
If you encounter any errors please let me know.
MacOS dmg
Double click it and run the NFO Creator inside.
You will get a warning it's from an unknown developer
- Go to System Preferences
- Security & Privacy
- General tab
- Under
Allow apps downloaded from:
you should be able to allow the program to run
- Increased cast row count to 40.
- Automatically scroll back to the top of the cast table after creating an NFO
Actor image search implemented
v1.0.2 contains a Windows Release Zip and a Linux AppImage
Windows Zip
Extract to your preferred location and run NFOBuilder.exe
Linux AppImage
chmod +x NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
and then ./NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
If you encounter any errors please let me know.
- Added a column to click for instant searching of an actors headshot to make finding the image URL easier.
First release
Initial Release
- Currently untested but initial release.
- Linux AppImage untested - may not run.
- Please run via terminal after making it executable and let me know.
v1.0.1 contains a Windows Release Zip and a Linux AppImage
Windows Zip
Extract to your preferred location and run NFOBuilder.exe
Linux AppImage
chmod +x NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
and then ./NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
If you encounter any errors please let me know.
- Added a messagebox popup when an NFO has successfully been created.
- Path will automatically add the trailing "/" if it is missed.
Initial Windows/Linux release
- Currently untested but initial release.
- Ensure your "Path" has a trailling slash at the end - \
- No visual output that NFO has been created
- Linux AppImage untested - may not run.
- Please run via terminal after making it executable and let me know.
v1.0.0 contains a Windows Release Zip and a Linux AppImage
Windows Zip
Extract to your preferred location and run NFOBuilder.exe
Linux AppImage
chmod +x NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
and then ./NFO_Builder-linux-release.AppImage
If you encounter any errors please let me know.