Hi guys, I'm Pei Kang. A college student who is working hard to learn code.💕
My gitee: yuzhiu
My personal blog: 鱼籽油
School email: CST2209157@xmu.edu.my
Personal email: yuzhiu374@gmail.com
😉I am an undergraduate student of computer science and have learned C and C++, UNIX and SQL.
✔️I developed a stand-alone snake game with my friends using VS2022, EasyX and git.
Product prototype:https://modao.cc/proto/design/pb2lrvkygd4ghnbps
⛽I am developing a three-player online landlord assignment game.
Project link: landlord
Product prototype:https://modao.cc/proto/4A40jgqKsgwuvyc87fxP7a/sharing?view_mode=read_only