Adds support to Dropwizard's logging factory to forward log events to a Kafka topic.
Using the Dropwizard application configuration file it is easy to customize the Kafka topic as well as connection parameters.
This library makes it easy to forward messages to a Kafka topic through Dropwizard's built-in logging capabilities using the common org.slf4j.Logger
Using the standard configuration mechanisms of Dropwizard the Kafka topic as well as the connection settings can be configured in addition to the default appender settings. The settings can be specified in the applications configuration file.
Under the hood the latest version of Apache Kafka Clients 2.4 is being used to communicate to the Kafka brokers. To provide the logback appender integration the basic logback-kafka-appender library is being utilized.
The artifacts including source and binaries are available on the central Maven repositories.
For maven:
For gradle:
runtimeOnly group: 'de.peetzen.dropwizard', name: 'dropwizard-logging-kafka', version: '4.0.0'
There is no need to have a compile time dependency. The library and the kafka
appender functionality are auto discovered at runtime.
Due to breaking changes between Dropwizard versions different versions of this library are provided:
Dropwizard Version | Library Version | Comment |
v4.x |
4.0.0 |
For latest Dropwizard version. |
v3.x |
3.0.0 |
v2.x |
2.0.0 |
v1.3.x |
1.3.0 |
v1.2.x + v1.1.x |
1.0.0 |
< 1.1.0 |
1.0.0 |
More recent version of logback libraries required. |
Specifying a logger appender with type kafka
is all that is necessary. It can be added in addition to existing loggers and customized using the default settings, including the layout, filters end encoders.
level: WARN
loggers: DEBUG
- type: console
- type: kafka
timeZone: UTC
- type: my-custom-filter
type: logstash-json
timestampFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
topic: my.application.topic
security.protocol: sasl_ssl
sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
sasl.jaas.config: " required username=\"<username>\" password=\"<password>\";"
The default Dropwizard logging configuration works and in addition the following new options are available:
Name | Description |
topic | The Kafka topic to use for the forwarded log events. |
bootstrapServers | At least one Kafka server endpoint to connect to. |
producerConfigs | Optional key: value pairs for configuring the Kafka Producer. Detailed information can be found in the official Kafka documentation. |
The supported functionality is not enough, you want a more customized Kafka producer?
Do not hesitate to extend AbstractKafkaAppenderFactory
and provide your own custom implementation.