This is a simple python script designed to batch add tasks to my Motion list.
I created it with the help of Chat-GPT (GPT4 with Advanced Data Analysis) and a bit of brute force of my poor python habilities.
Feel free to use it and change as you need, this is probably never getting updated as it already fits everything I need.
You have to generate an API key inside the settings page and add it to an .env file:
And add all your tasks to the tasks.csv file
I use Conda for package management, so you can just clone this repository and create a new env from ny enviroment.yml:
conda env create -f environment.yml
After filling everything, just run it from your terminal and wait a few seconds for it to run.
Motion has a hard limit of 12 requests per minute, to avoid going over it, I'm lockign at 10 per minute, you shouldn't change it:
RATE_LIMIT = 10 # requests per minute
DELAY = 60 / RATE_LIMIT # delay in seconds between requests
The projectId and workspaceId can both be queried from Motion's API documentation and test enviroment:
By default, the startdate of a task is -14 days from the delivery date. This fits my purpose, but you can change it to whatever fits yours
# Calculate the startDate by subtracting 14 days from the dueDate
due_date = parse(task_data["dueDate"])
start_date = due_date - datetime.timedelta(days=14)
Since I'm in Brazil, the ISO8601 time convertion sets it automatically to my timezone, you can change it to yours
# Adjust to GMT -3 and format in ISO 8601 format
tz = tzoffset(None, -3*3600)
task_data["dueDate"] = due_date.astimezone(tz).isoformat()
The autoschedule is set to always put tasks as HARD deadlines and use the schedule "Task Hours", that's a schedule you can set in settings and I use it to keep a different Task and Meetings calendar avaiability. You can do the same os change it to the default "Meeting Hours"
# Set autoScheduled fields
task_data["autoScheduled"] = {
"startDate": start_date.astimezone(tz).isoformat(),
"deadlineType": "HARD",
"schedule": "Task Hours"
To be able to debug and know if something is working or not, it automatically creates a *.log file at every run with the current date+time as its name. You can delete it if you want.