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Data streams classification using deep learning under different speeds and drifts

ADLStream > 0.1.3 TensorFlow 2.2 River > 0.6 Python > 3.6 Code style: black

Time series classification with deep learning in streaming

Processing data streams arriving at high speed requires the development of models that can provide fast and accurate predictions. Although deep neural networks are the state-of-the-art for many machine learning tasks, their performance in real-time data streaming scenarios is a research area that has not yet been fully addressed. Nevertheless, there have been recent efforts to adapt complex deep learning models for streaming tasks by reducing their processing rate. The design of the asynchronous dual-pipeline deep learning framework allows to predict over incoming instances and update the model simultaneously using two separate layers. The aim of this work is to assess the performance of different types of deep architectures for data streaming classification using this framework. We evaluate models such as multi-layer perceptrons, recurrent, convolutional and temporal convolutional neural networks over several time-series datasets that are simulated as streams. In addition, we evaluate how the different architectures react to concept drifts typically found in evolving data streams. The obtained results indicate that convolutional architectures achieve a higher performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

Time series classification experiments

Unzip the time series data

cd data
cd ../

Run the python script

cd src


1 TwoPatterns 0.741 0.964 0.960 0.964
2 CinCECGtorso 0.381 0.875 0.930 0.805
3 TwoLeadECG 0.536 0.816 0.954 0.886
4 Wafer 0.926 0.964 0.965 0.954
5 pendigits 0.965 0.964 0.974 0.969
6 FacesUCR 0.716 0.842 0.850 0.819
7 Mallat 0.899 0.904 0.968 0.921
8 FaceAll 0.704 0.868 0.842 0.820
9 Symbols 0.857 0.876 0.919 0.895
10 ItalyPowerDemand 0.919 0.866 0.916 0.915
11 ECG5000 0.810 0.873 0.872 0.867
12 MoteStrain 0.742 0.768 0.794 0.767
13 NonInvasiveFetalECGThorax1 0.050 0.620 0.735 0.597
14 NonInvasiveFetalECGThorax2 0.038 0.618 0.809 0.706
15 SwedishLeaf 0.634 0.674 0.752 0.701
16 FordA 0.003 0.397 0.526 0.722
17 Yoga 0.051 0.686 0.671 0.671
18 UWaveGestureLibraryX 0.589 0.680 0.654 0.652
19 FordB 0.006 0.351 0.476 0.640
20 ElectricDevices 0.438 0.667 0.598 0.516
21 UWaveGestureLibraryY 0.574 0.593 0.566 0.545
22 UWaveGestureLibraryZ 0.551 0.614 0.570 0.574
23 HandOutlines 0.006 0.500 0.624 0.230
24 InsectWingbeatSound 0.552 0.572 0.533 0.504
25 ShapesAll 0.425 0.478 0.449 0.463
26 MedicalImages 0.403 0.417 0.432 0.399
27 PhalangesOutlinesCorrect 0.140 0.427 0.501 0.430
28 ChlorineConcentration 0.002 0.316 0.676 0.587
29 Phoneme 0.002 0.041 0.079 0.029
Average kappa 0.471 0.663 0.710 0.674
Ingerence time per instance (ms) 4.993 22.09 7.347 47.34

Prequential kappa accuracy results

Fig 1. Kappa accuracy results for each model architecture at different stream speed.

Concept drift experiments

The syntentic datasets are generated with River.

pip install git+ --upgrade

Run the experiments

cd src


Dataset Attrs Classes IR Drift Type
RTGa 20 3 4 to 2 Abrupt
RTGa3 20 3 4 to 30 Abrupt
ARGWa-F1F4 9 2 2 to 1 Abrupt
ARGWa-F2F5F8 9 2 1 to 50 Abrupt
SEAa-F2F4 3 2 1 Abrupt
RTGg 20 3 4 to 2 Gradual
RTGg3 20 3 4 to 30 Gradual
ARGWg-F1F4 9 2 2 to 1 Gradual
ARGWg-F2F5F8 9 2 1 to 50 Gradual
SEAg-F2F4 3 2 1 Gradual
RBFi-slow 20 3 3 Incremental
RBFi-fast 20 3 3 Incremental
LED-4 24 10 1 Incremental


Evolution of the prequential kappa of each model over the concept-drift datasets.

Fig 2. Evolution of the prequential kappa of each model over the concept-driftdatasets.


  • Lara-Benítez, P., Carranza-García, M., Gutiérrez-Avilés, D., Riquelme Santos, J. C. "Data Streams Classification Using Deep Learning under Different Speeds and Drifts". Currently under review in Logic Journal of the IGPL.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Time series classification with deep learning in streaming




