Parses and transmits the signal stored in VCD file generated by rtl_433. The original purpose of this project is to enable re-transmission of RF signals received by rtl_433. VCDT makes it possible to utilize I/O ports to connect different types of RF transmitters and transmit signal recoreded by rtl_433 in .vcd format. Driver architecture enables easy extensibility by providing possibility to implement additional drivers for different transmitters and I/O interfaces.
vcdt vcd_file -D driver_id -S signal_id
- vcd_file: .vcd file generated e.g. by rtl_433 by capturing the signal
- driver_id: identifier of the driver to be used. Available drivers can be listed by vcdt command without any arguments.
- signal_id: signal identifier taken from .vcd file
Example usage:
vcdt remoteswitch1.vcd -D 1 -S \'
How to generate .vcd by rtl_433?
Example usage:
rtl_433 -F json -R device_id -w output.vcd
For more details, please see
cd src
make install