Contributors: pedromendonca
Donate link:
Tags: internationalization, i18n, localization, l10n, translation, statistics, glotpress, dark mode
Requires at least: 4.9
Tested up to: 5.3.2
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Show plugins translation stats on your WordPress install.
The plugin adds a "Translation Stats" column to the plugin list screen in WordPress admin.
The translation stats are shown only for plugins that exist in and are prepared for localization.
If a plugin doesn't have complete translation stats, you'll see a notice with one of the reasons below:
- Plugin not found on
- Translation project not found on
- The plugin is not properly prepared for localization
The color scheme of the translation stats bars is exactly same used in GlotPress for consistency with the translation experience in
This plugin is properly prepared for localization.
Subproject | Description |
Development | Translation of the Development version of the plugin |
Development Readme | Readme of the Development version of the plugin page on |
Stable | Translation of the Stable version of the plugin |
Stable Readme | Readme of the Stable version of the plugin page on |
- Register and login in
- Click on the plugin subproject stats bar you want to translate
- Read the Polyglots Translator’s Handbook
- Translate according the rules of your Locale Translation Team
Since mid-April 2016, not only new strings but also edits are synced between dev and stable (both ways, only approved translations). When a plugin releases a new version all translations are copied from dev to stable. Read more...
Translations for the readme are published almost immediately. The language pack for a plugin will be generated when 95% of the Stable (latest release) sub-project strings have been translated.
Yes, Translation Stats includes a color scheme that works specifically with the plugin Dark Mode.
Yes you can! If you want to translate this plugin to your language, please click here.
Sure! You are welcome to report any issues or add feature suggestions on the GitHub repository.
- Minor code improvements
- Tested up to WP 5.3.2
- Minor code improvements
- Minor code improvements
- Add admin notice to dashboard
- Minor code improvements
- Now you can update your WordPress translation when you want
- No more waiting for language packs or your locale to be 100% complete
- One click to update all WordPress core translation files ( .po, .mo and all .json )
- Tested up to WP 5.3
- Tested up to WP 5.2.4
- Add PHP compatibity check
- Tested up to WP 5.2.3
- Code optimization
- UI improvement
- Bump PHP minimum required version
- Code optimization
- New AJAX loading and updating features
- Improved plugins screen loading speed
- New button to quick update a single plugin stats
- Tested up to WP 5.2.2
- Code optimization
- Tested up to WP 5.2.1
- Code optimization
- Support for custom Locale Subdomains
- Support for current GlotPress 2.x variants
- Fix typo
- Tested up to WP 5.1.1
- Fix typo
- Support new locales
- Support for all locales in through WordPress API
- Tested up to WP 5.1
- Fix CSS issues
- Fix WordPress Coding Standards errors
- Fix CSS issues
- Fix uninstall function
- Fix Author links
- Add Author column to plugins list - feature suggestion from Webdados
- Add links to plugins and authors
- Fix WordPress Coding Standards errors
- Add Translation Stats settings page
- Add installed plugins table to select only the plugins you want to manage translation stats to reduce http requests
- Add option to enable or disable warnings of translation projects
- Add options to reset settings and clean cache to force update the translation stats
- Add option to specify the translation language you want
- Add option to choose to keep or delete plugin data on uninstall
- Add uninstall file
- Fix Translation Stats column show/hide logic
- Use WordPress Coding Standards
- Add WordPress core notices styles to error messages
- Add assets
- Minor code improvements
- Readme update
- Initial release.