Low latency Audio Operating system based on the open source ELK Audio OS.
- Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, 4 GB RAM, 32GB eMMC, Wireless
- Waveshare CM4 Nano A
- HiFiBerry DAC+ADC
The Pedalboard OS is based on Elk Audio OS.
Since v1.0.0 RPI CM4 is supported natively.
- Enable USB host
On the compute module USB host is disabled by default.
Add the following line to config.txt to enable it.
- Enable WiFi
- boot the board connected to LAN and ssh into it with
ssh mind@elk-pi
- follow https://elk-audio.github.io/elk-docs/html/embedded/working_with_elk_board.html#over-wifi
- Change hostname
sudo echo pedalboard > /etc/hostname
sudo reboot
ssh-copy-id mind@pedalboard
ssh mind@pedalboard
- Install pedalboard software
sudo mkdir /mnt/pico
cd /udata
git clone https://github.com/pedalboard/pedalboard-midi.git
cd pedalboard-midi
cd /udata
git clone https://github.com/pedalboard/pedalboard-audio.git
cd pedalboard-audio
make install-plugins
make install
make restart
make status
Midi Bridge
cd /udata
git clone https://github.com/pedalboard/sushi-osc-midi-bridge.git
cd sushi-osc-midi-bridge
make install
make start
make status