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Debugging with Picprobe

Christof Laenzlinger edited this page Jul 9, 2023 · 8 revisions

picoprobe can be used for both Raspberry Pi and Pico.

There is a special hardware available from Raspberry. But if you have a spare Pico board laying around it can also be used. You only need to install the latest picoprobe.uf2 and you are ready to go.

Raspberry Pi CM4 Serial communication

If you have a CM4 without WLAN (or to initially enable WLAN on the CM4), you can connect to the board using serial communication.

See the below picture for how to wire the pico-probe to the CM4 on pedalboard-hw:

RPi Pin Picoprobe Pin Color
6 GND 8 GND Black
8 TXD 7 UART RX Yellow
10 RXD 6 UART TX Green

wiring picoprobe with rpi

After connecting the USB to the picoprobe you can to the ELK Audio OS with the following command (Mac OSX)

screen /dev/cu.usbmodem2102 57600

Raspberry Pico with probe-run

See the below picture for how to wire the pico-probe to the Raspberry Pico on pedalboard-hw

Pico Pin Picoprobe Pin Color
GND 3 GND Black

wiring picoprobe with rpi

After connecting the USB to the picoprobe you can use it to run Rust code (e.g. the pedalboard-midi project) directly by setting the cargo runner in .cargo/config.toml

runner = "probe-run --chip RP2040"

and then calling

cargo run
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