A programmable infrared remote controller smartstrap for the Pebble Time.
- Program the Pebble's up, select, and down buttons by pointing an IR remote controller at the smartstrap's IR receiver while pressing a button on the remote
- Choose from a set of 50 icons to denote each Pebble button's programmed function
- Tap a programmed Pebble button to emit the programmed IR code from the smartstrap
- Pebble Time or Pebble Time Steel smartwatch
- Teensy 3.1 USB development board
- Infrared LED
- TSOP85 infrared receiver breakout board
- BC547 NPN transistor
- 1kΩ resistor
- 10kΩ resistor
- 100Ω resistor
- (optional) Kocaso 2600 mAh USB-chargable battery
- "basic ui" icon set designed by freepik: http://www.flaticon.com/packs/basic-ui