A multi platform watch companion app for Pebble/RebbleOS devices
- Checkout this repo
- Pull the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
Generate new Github token with
permission. This is required to fetch libpebblecommons from Github packages repository. -
file inandroid
Install flutter on your machine. To make builds reproducible, we use exact flutter version in pubspec.yml. Thus we recommend you use FVM to install flutter. After you install FVM, just run
fvm install
command in the project folder and you will automatically get the required flutter version. -
Setup flutter in the IDE of your choice. Be sure to also configure it with FVM Flutter path.
Open this repo in the IDE set up in step 5
If you do not have an IDE, from step 5, you'll instead:
fvm flutter pub get
- Launch an emulator:
fvm flutter emulators --launch Pixel_2_API_30
fvm flutter run
To install FVM on Ubuntu, try something like:
sudo snap install flutter --classic
flutter config --no-analytics # if you want
dart --disable-analytics # if you want
dart pub global activate fvm
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
If you don't have Android Studio installed, and you want an emulator, do:
sudo snap install android-studio --classic
(hey, what's 900MB between friends?)- Launch
. Update everything in sight (hey, what's 400MB between friends?) sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils
(hey, what's 140MB between friends?)- Hit 'More actions...', then 'AVD Manager'. Then 'Create Virtual Device'. Then choose a device (I chose Pixel 2), then download R (hey, what's 620MB between friends?), then hit finish.
iOS requires CocoaPods to be installed. To install CocoaPods, run the following commands:
brew install ruby
sudo gem install cocoapods
After installing CocoaPods, you should build the app using fvm flutter build ios
, which will also run pod install
for you ready for building the app in Xcode.
To build all the mappings in this project (such as entity <> map mapping for SQL), you have to run the following command:
fvm flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Type safe communication between Flutter and native code is performed using Pigeon. To add new communication interfaces, edit pigeons/pigeons.dart file and then re-compile interface with the following command:
fvm flutter pub run pigeon \
--input pigeons/pigeons.dart \
--dart_out lib/infrastructure/pigeons/pigeons.g.dart \
--java_out ./android/app/src/main/kotlin/io/rebble/cobble/pigeons/Pigeons.java \
--java_package "io.rebble.cobble.pigeons" \
--objc_header_out ./ios/Runner/Pigeon/Pigeons.h \
--objc_source_out ./ios/Runner/Pigeon/Pigeons.m
See Wiki for more info on app architecture.
App's components are styled through modified Material theme, in theory you should never specify
custom styles in your own component. If you have to, try to use colors that are defined in
(accessed by WithCobbleTheme(context).theme
) or alternatively in
). Scheme is collection of colors,
created by designer while the theme is higher-level grouping of these colours to provide meaningful
base styles for components. If you start using Material component which isn't styled properly,
take a look at Material theme and see if you can set styles there before setting styles directly on
component. There is limited set of text types, as defined by designer, if you need different text
style, extends these types with .copyWith
instead of creating your own.
We are using iOS-style tabbed navigation, where each tab has its own stack of screens. In practice
this means there might be multiple stacks (1 main stack and one each for tab) but only 1 stack is
active. In order to push page on an active stack import CobbleNavigator
extension and then call
. SomeScreen
widget should also implement interface CobbleScreen
use CobbleScaffold.page
or CobbleScaffold.tab
, which takes care of title and back button in
navigation bar.
A lot of components were refactored in custom Widgets, like CobbleCard, CobbleTile, CobbleButton, etc. and these components should serve you as building blocks upon which to build your UI. They are showcased in WidgetLibrary screen and in golden (aka snapshot) tests. All golden images (how widgets should look) are included in /test/components/goldens.
To use localized string, add it to all .json
files in /lang
, start build_runner to generate
localized models (see Building mappings above) and then use it as
. Generator also supports named and positional parameters:
"key": "fixed value, named parameter -> {named}, positional parameter -> {}
and generates
function instead of string. Use this function similar to string:
tr.canBeNested.yourKey('positional', named: 'named param')
App's localization is stored in /lang directory, one .json
file for one language. Structure of
these .json
files is then converted to localized model with a help of ModelGenerator
. Model
is in turn used to load and parse correct .json
file at app's startup. Refer to
build.yaml and CobbleLocalizationDelegate
for more info.