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TensorFlow implementation of goal-based dynamical system model


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TensorFlow + Edward implementation of goal-based dynamical system model.

Relevant papers:

SN Iqbal, L Yin, CB Drucker, Q Kuang, J Gariépy, ML Platt, JM Pearson (2018). Latent goal models for dynamic strategic interaction (PLOS Computational Biology, accepted)

S Iqbal, J Pearson (2017). Learning to Draw Dynamic Agent Goals with Generative Adversarial Networks

Code for approximate time series posterior is written by Evan Archer. Algorithm is described in

E Archer, IM Park, L Buesing, J Cunningham, L Paninski (2015). Black box variational inference for state space models


  • Python Modules/Scripts
  1. Train tf_gbds model. Run python --help to see options.
  2. The auxiliary class to construct computational graph (define generative and recognition models, draw samples, and implement one-step-ahead prediction).
  3. The customized Edward Random Variables which generate players' latent goal and control signal at each time point based on game state.
  4. The customized Edward Random Variables which infer the posterior goal and control signal using smoothing linear dynamical system. The code is based on Evan Archer's implementation.
  5. The utility functions needed for
  6. lib/ The directory containing library code for efficient matrix computation.

How to Preprocess Your Data

Our model follows TensoFlow data input pipeline to read in experiment data as TFRecord files. Training and validation sets need to be saved separately. Only one field is required for each trial: trajectory, which our code expects to be a matrix with the following shape: (nTimepoints, nDimensions). Trial length can vary while the dimensionality must be consistent throughout the dataset.

  • Optional fields that can be included
  1. extra_conds: such as subect ID, type of opponent, or perhaps drug condition (i.e. saline v. muscimol). Our code expects extra conditions to be consistent within each trial.
  2. ctrl_obs: observed control signals with the same shape as trajectory.


The code is written in Python 3.6.x. You will also need:

Before you start

Clone this repository and run the following:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/your/directory/tf_gbds/

where "/path/to/your/directory" is replaced with the path to the tf_gbds repository. This allows the nested directories to access modules from their parent directory.

Train an tf_gbds model

Once you prepare your dataset in the correct format, you can train the model! The following code runs the model with all of the default parameters (note that model_dir, train_data_dir, and val_data_dir are not set by default and must be provided by user):

# Run tf_gbds
$ python --model_dir='new_model' (Directory where the model is saved) \
--train_data_dir='/directory/of/training/data' (Directory of training dataset file) \
--val_data_dir='/directory/of/validation/data' (Directory of validation dataset file) \
--synthetic_data=False (Is the model trained on synthetic data?) \
--save_posterior=True (Will posterior samples be retrieved after training?) \
--load_saved_model=False (Is the model restored from an existing checkpoint?)
--saved_model_dir='/directory/you/save/checkpoint' (Directory where the model to be restored is saved) \

--game_name="penaltykick" (Name of the game)
--n_agents=2 (Number of agents in the model)
--agent_name="goalie,shooter" (Name of each agent (separated by ,))
--agent_col="0;1,2" (Columns of dataset corresponding to each agent (separated by ; and ,))
--obs_dim=3 (Dimension of observation)
--extra_conds=Flase (Are extra conditions included in the dataset?)
--extra_dim=0 (Dimension of extra conditions)
--ctrl_obs=False (Are observed control signals included in the dataset?)
--add_accel=False (Is acceleration included in game state?")

--GMM_K=8 (Number of components in GMM) \
--gen_n_layers=3 (Number of layers in neural networks (generative model)) \
--gen_hidden_dim=64 (Number of hidden units in each dense layer of neural networks (generative model)) \
--rec_lag=10 (Number of previous timepoints included as input to recognition model) \
--rec_n_layers=3 (Number of layers in neural networks (recognition model)) \
--rec_hidden_dim=32 (Number of hidden units in each dense layer of neural networks (recognition model)) \

--sigma_init=-7. (Initial value of goal state variance) \
--sigma_trainable=False (Is sigma trainable?) \
--sigma_pen=1e3 (Penalty on large sigma) \
--g_lb=-1. (Goal state lower boundary) \
--g_ub=1. (Goal state upper boundary) \
--g_bounds_pen=None (Penalty for goal states escaping boundaries) \

--eps_init=-11. (Initial value of control signal variance) \
--eps_trainable=False (Is epsilon trainable?) \
--eps_pen=1e5 (Penalty on large epsilon) \
--latent_u=False (Is the true control signal modeled as latent variable?)
--clip=False (Is the observed control signal censored?) \
--clip_lb=-1. (Control signal censoring lower bound) \
--clip_ub=1. (Control signal censoring upper bound) \
--clip_tol=1e-5 (Tolerance of signal censoring) \
--clip_pen=1e8 (Penalty on control signal censoring)

--seed=1234 (Random seed) \
--opt='Adam' (Gradient descent optimizer) \
--lr=1e-3 (Initial learning rate) \
--n_epochs=500 (Number of iterations algorithm runs through the training set) \
--B=1 (Size of mini-batches) \
--n_samp=1 (Number of samples drawn for gradient estimation) \
--n_post_samp=30 (Number of samples from posterior distributions to draw and save) \
--max_ckpt=10 (Maximum number of checkpoints to keep in the directory) \
--freq_ckpt=5 (Frequency of saving checkpoints to the directory)
--freq_val_loss=1 (Frequency of computing validation set loss)

Visualize a training model

To visualize training variables and loss curves while training tf_gbds model in TensorBoard, run the following command:

tensorboard --logdir=/directory/where/the/model/is/saved


TensorFlow implementation of goal-based dynamical system model







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