Thank you for reading this, and if you are considering contributing to the project by reporting an issue, making a suggestion, or you wish to contribute some code, please read the relevant section.
Please report any issues you have with documentation, the code or the project itself on GitHub. Ensure multiple issues are filed separately where appropriate.
If you have an issue with a specific package, please consider whether this is an issue with the package itself, or with the piwheels project. If the package generally works on Raspberry Pi by installing from pip or building from source, but fails to work when installed from piwheels, please open an issue and provide as much information as possible. If the package simply does not work on Raspberry Pi, please take this up with the package maintainer.
Please open an issue before starting non-trivial work on the codebase. When creating a pull request, please group changes together or split into multiple pull requests as appropriate. Please update the tests if necessary and try to explain the purpose and effect of your changes.
The Python code in this project is Python 3 only. Please observe PEP-8 guidelines (not strict) and try to adhere to the coding style as observed.