Perry was used as a testing site to explore entity relationship concepts.
- Write a JSON file specifying the entities and relationships, looking like data.json.
- Create JSON schemas from the spec.
- Create SQL schemas from the spec.
- Create GraphQL schemas from the spec.
- Use a generic UI to create/read/update objects (folder ui).
Perry includes:
- Models API to simply serve the spec mentioned above (models).
- a shared internal library (perrydl) in Typescript and Rust (WASM) that:
- generates SQL schema from the spec
- generates GraphQL schemas from spec
- generates JSON schemas from the spec
- Dupe API (dupe) which is an extremely unoptimized backend that:
- queries the model from Models API
- uses perrydl to generate SQL schema, GraphQL schema and JSON schemas from the spec
- bootstraps a sqliteDB using the generated SQL
- serves a GraphQL API using the generated GraphQL schema (to serve and mutate the data in the sqliteDB)
- uses JSON schemas to validate input data
- allows bulk insert and update using CSVs
- captures data changes and sends to an in-memory event-broker (gRPC-Web)
- A user interface in Typescript+React+Recoil ui
- queries Models API to create entity relationship internal representation
- allows exploring entities using a graph like structure
- generates forms to create data objects
- uses tables and filters to present data objects
- listens to events served by an in-memory event-broker (gRPC-Web)
graph TD
S(Data Spec in json) -->|served by| M[Models API]
D[Dupe] -->|query models| M
D -->|create DB and store data| Q[sqliteDB]
D -->|publish mutation events| E[Event Broker]
U[UI] -->|query model| M
U -->|query data using GraphQL| D
U -->|consume mutation events| E
Perry is not production ready and should not be used in a production environment, it's just exploration:
- search by text is flawed and applies to first column only
- gRPC stream lacks keep alive
- gear icon on text search is useless
- items cannot be dragged & dropped even though there are drop zones
- sessions are volatile, if you reload tabs are lost
- mutation events published by dupe are meant as a "poor man's CDC" but are not consistent (if dupe fails to publish them, they won't be retried)
- the event broker is an in-memory broker with short-lived historic data
- changing fields which are unique yields cryptic errors
This project is not being actively maintained.
Go to and use the credentials:
- user:
- password:
The demo is fairly limited:
- data resets every hour
- data sample does not explore all entities and relations in the data spec
- backend requests are rate limited to prevent abuse
- app is halted if high network traffic is detected
- translation to de_DE comes straight from