- replace 1/3 and 1/6 labels with 4T and 8T
- fix 4T and 8T beat durations
- references fix
- sync accuracy improvements
- sync button CC
- all inertia params CC
- save/load sync and inertia user settings
- add Inertia slider; assignable to note's parameters
- 2 and 4 bar duration notes
- sliders' values popups redesigning
- automation sliders fully setting parameters; no need for plugin's UI
- save/load user settings
- 1/3 and 1/6 notes on/off buttons
- diatonic scale notes's toggle buttons for every kind of scale/arpeggio setting
- note velocity, duration and octave min/max interval sliders
- synchronising to host software bpm button
- all above parameters dynamically resettable
- note generated LED like indicator