Blazor Framework demonstration implementing components with clean, scalable code.
Languages |
C# |
Technology | Version |
ASP.NET | 8.0 |
Blazor Serverside | - |
Radzen | - |
Project can be executed in any of the following Methods. Prefered way would via Dockerfile or Docker Compose.
- From Project Directory, Execute Dotnet Run (below)
dotnet run --project Blazor.UI/Blazor.UI.csproj
- From Project Directory, Execute Dockerfile
- Build Image:
docker build -t Blazor.UI:latest -f Blazor.UI/Dockerfile .
- Run Container:
docker run --rm -it -p 5147:5147 Blazor.UI:latest
- Build Image:
- From Project Directory, Execute Docker Compose
- Execute Docker Compose with Build
docker compose up --build
- Execute Docker Compose with Build