This library depend on fazz_tools_ui as GUI(Graphical User Interface) for showing the output to developer from the app, check fazz_tools_ui repo at here
- Log print
- Show http request to web service
- Open your pubspec.yaml
- Paste this code inside depedencies scope
fazz_tools: git: url:
- The library already installed
See examples folder in this repository, but if you want some explaination follow some steps below :
- Create object fazz tools in specific file
import 'package:fazz_tools/fazz_tools.dart'; ............. FazzTools fazzTools = FazzTools(host: {YOUR_CURRENT_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_LOCALHOST}, isDebug: true)
- If you want to use object fazzTools just import from that file
Log in this library similiar with console.log in javascript, here the features :
- Print text
- Print text and show it as table (you need to pass map data type)
- Print group
- Print start time and end time to check your execution time for the function or other