Comprised of two modules:
- payara-server-remote-tests - runs the TCK against a running Payara Server instance
- se-tests - runs the SE tests, requires Payara Server to not be running
Download and install the TCK from the tck-downloads module. From the top-level directory:
mvn clean install -pl . -pl tck-download -pl tck-download/jakarta-rest-tck -Dpayara.version=...
(Make sure the Payara server up and running)
Run maven test from the module directory using remote arquillian profile, and provide the path to payara and its version
cd rest-tck
mvn clean verify -Dpayara.version=... -Dpayara.home=...
- Make sure you don't have a running server
cd se-tests
- Run
mvn verify -Dpayara.home=/path/to/payara