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wodzu edited this page Feb 15, 2017 · 23 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. About MigrationContainer
  2. Features
  3. Use of Migration Containers
  4. Background

1. About MigrationContainer

MigrationContainer is a C# serialization framework based on Marc Gravell's Implementation of Google Protocol Buffers. It aims to create container files imaging file systems and meta data from various sources for one of following purposes:

  • Data Migration
  • Creating system snapshots, e.g. backups of user accounts

Still not clear about the purpose of MigrationContainer? Imagine following scenario:

You run a cloud storage solution and plan to change your system's architecture, e.g. by switching from an NTFS based file system to an Amazon S3 hosted storage. This would require the migration of existing user accounts to the new environment. More precisely this would require:

  • Backup of all account related information residing in various systems, e.g. Active Directory, database
  • Backup of all files related meta data such as Alternate Data Streams, Junction Points, creation date, etc.
  • Backup of the folder hierarchy in a user's storage
  • Import of all mentioned information/data to the new environment

Probably MigrationContainer could be converted into a Mono or DNX project to be used on further platforms, not only Windows as currently.

2. Features

  • Multi or single-part container files with configurable file size
  • Mapping of entire directory hierarchies
  • Powered by Google Protocol Buffers
    • fast & powerful serializer
    • extensible container format
    • backwards-compatible container format
  • Support for NTFS Alternate Data Streams & Junction Points

3. Use of Migration Containers

With MigrationContainer you can create and access physical migration containers. Each of these consists of two logical units:

  1. The header section describing the container’s contents and providing important meta-information cruicial to the migration procedure.
  2. The body containing the actual data to be migrated.

If you are planning to access or even create containers outside this project, you will need to make yourself familiar with the container's specifications. See the second following wiki page for more details: Container Format.

3.1 Container Types

MigrationContainer provides two basic types of containers:

  1. NtfsFileContainer : Creates an image of a single NTFS file and its meta data.
  2. NtfsDirectoryContainer: Creates an image of an entire NTFS directory including all files and subdirectories.

3.2 Extending Container Types

Defining a New Container Type

All types of containers must inherit from the abstract class MigrationContainer<TChild, THeader, TBody>, which provides the basic functionality for (de-)serialization.

TChild: Used to implement the Curiously recurring template pattern. In other words, this should be the type of the container you want to implement.

THeader: A type inheriting from IFileHeader, which specifies the basic functionality header describing a file's meta data. Note that DirectoryHeaders are a special type of FileHeaders.

TBody: A type inheriting from IContainerBody. It provides the functionality for access and (de-)serialization of content stored in a container's body. For more details on a migration container's format see the container format specification.

Also note that each container class should be decorated with the ContainerMetaDescription attribute to specify the format's file extension.

Registering a Container Type to the Protobuf Type Hierarchy

For proper (de-)serialization of class hierarchies protobuf requires to assign a unique number to each type called tag. For that puprose the ProtoConfiguration class provides the LargestTagInUse property to keep track of this number. To register your new container type to the existing container hierarchy, you need to use one of following methods:

  • AddSubType(Type basetype, Type derivedType, int protoTag)
  • AddSubTypeForGenericBaseType(Type genericBaseType, Type baseBaseType, Type derivedType, int protoTag)

Use LargestTagInUse + 1 as protoTag when registering a new type. The property is updated automatically, on successful registration. For more information read the method's respective XML-doc.

It is important that you perform this registration for all of your types at startup of your program, BEFORE you any of your types is attempted to be initialized (caution: static variables). Here is an example how you could accomplish this:

/// <summary>
///     Helper class for establishing a consistent hierarchy of ProtoHeaders that are provided by this project.
/// </summary>
public class MyProtoInheritance
    private static MyProtoInheritance _instance;
    private static MyProtoInheritance Instance => _instance ?? (_instance = new MyProtoInheritance());

    private MyProtoInheritance()

    /// <summary>
    ///     Initializes the protobuf inheritance hierarchy for all ProtoHeaders defined by this project if called for the first
    ///     time. Subsequent calls have no effect.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Initialize()
        // adds all subtypes to inheritance hierarchy
        var foo = Instance;

    private void AddSubTypes()
        // content headers
                                               ProtoConfiguration.Instance.LargestTagInUse + 1);
        ProtoConfiguration.Instance.AddSubType(typeof(FileHeader), typeof(NtfsStorageFileHeader), ProtoConfiguration.Instance.LargestTagInUse + 1);

            typeof(DirectoryHeader<NtfsStorageDirectoryHeader, NtfsStorageFileHeader, NtfsStorageFile, NtfsStorageDirectory>),
            ProtoConfiguration.Instance.LargestTagInUse + 1);

        // other headers
        ProtoConfiguration.Instance.AddSubType(typeof(ProtoHeader), typeof(StorageHeader), ProtoConfiguration.Instance.LargestTagInUse + 1);
        ProtoConfiguration.Instance.AddSubType(typeof(ProtoHeader), typeof(FileCommentHeader), ProtoConfiguration.Instance.LargestTagInUse + 1);

3.3 Exporting Data (Creating Containers)


3.4 Importing Data (Extracting Data From Containers)


4. Background

This framework is the result of a request made by Teamplace. Simultaneously it also served as topic for my bachelor's thesis. With kind permission of Teamplace the main framework is now released to the public.