Jérémie Dentan (École Polytechnique), Paul Théron (École Polytechnique)
This git repository is the source code of a website that enable to organize votes online.
It has been created in the context of the course 'INF472W - Modal Web' from École Polytechnique, taught by Olivier Serre.
A limited version of this project has been uploaded and is available at : https://www.jdentan.com/xvote
Please note that this version is limited in the sens that the mail sender has been shut down to prevent it to be used as a spamming tool.
To execute this website by your own, you have to set a DB server and a SMTP server for the mails. The files you have to edit are the following:
- home/scripts/utils_database.php
- home/scripts/utils_encryption.php
- xvote/home/scripts/utils_sendMail.php
- home/scripts/utils_mailManager.php