This dictionary contains outlines that output emoticons (text or Unicode), or Slack-specific strings that convert into emoji.
I know there are more comprehensive dictionaries out there, but I don't think I need them all right now, and I mostly defer creation of emoji to the Plover Emoji plugin.
"*PBG": "{^😉^}" # wiNK
"HAEP/TPHRAEUBL": "┻━┻ ︵ ლ(⌒-⌒ლ)" # HAPPY FLip tABLe
"HRA*F": "{^😂^}" # LAUGH
"KA*UF": "{^☕^}" # COFFee
"PH*UPB": "{^👎^}" # MinUs oNe
"PHRUPB": "{^👍^}" # PLUs oNe
"RAEUPBLG/TPHRAEUBL": "(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻" # RAGE FLip tABLe
"SA*D": "{^😞^}" # SAD
"SPHAO*EUL": "{^🙂^}" # SMILE
"TAO*UPBG": "{^😛^}" # TONGUE
"TPHRA*EUBL": "┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)" # (un)FLip tABLe
"TPHRAEUBL": "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻" # FLip tABLe
"TPHRAEUBL/-S": "┻━┻︵ \\(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻" # FLip tABLeS
"TPHRAEUBL/U": "ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \\o°o)\\" # FLip tABLe YOU
"TPHRAEUBLS": "┻━┻︵ \\(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻" # FLip tABLeS
"TRO*L": ":trollface:" # TROLl (for Slack)
"TROL/PHOEPBLG": ":trollface:" # TROLL (for Slack)
"UPB/TPHRAEUBL": "┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)" # UNFLip tABLe
"WA*F": "{^👋^}" # WAVe [override]