Unstable public release.
Unstable public release.
Unstable public release.
Unstable public release.
Unstable public release.
Unstable public release.
- Cluster interface and DataSourceCluster bindings
- Add a JPAEntityModule for binding entities for a DataSource
- Hook up raw Hibernate APIs
- Use JPA entity types in HibernateModule.
- Introduce FakeResourceLoader
- SchemaMigrator for running and tracking schema migrations.
- Update Misk version in Dockerfiles to 0.2.5
- Drop support for unqualified datasources.
- move exemplars into sample directory in preparation for more of them
- Make all Kotlin warnings build errors
- Allow services to specify dependencies on other services.
- Fast fail on dependency cycles.
- jre8 was deprecated for kotlin 1.2
- Early types for the Transacter APIs
- Queries in the Misk Hibernate API.
- Implement Query with dynamic proxies and reflection
- Offer strict validation and nice errors in ReflectionQueryFactory
- Log the reasons why liveness/readiness checks fail
- URL shortener sample
- Support more operators in Query
- Wire up Hibernate event listeners through Guice.
- HibernateTestingModule.
- Switch tests to MySQL
- Rollback transactions on exceptions
- Delete DataSourceModule. It's redundant with HibernateModule.
- Support ByteString columns
- Misk containers should not run as root
- DbTimestampedEntity
- Don't inject until after services are started.
- Tidy up some test cases.
- Fix a missing dependency in exemplar
- Don't use KubernetesHealthCheck with LocalClusterConnector
- Add support for protobuf over HTTP
- Cloudwatch Trail logging support
- Add retry() helper
- Add Backoff/ExponentialBackoff
- MiskCaller and authz support
- Adds a DataSourceModule
- Add support for logging to StackDriver
- Move static resources from web root into resources
- Move web-specific NetworkInterceptor into web
- Remove use of instance metadata endpoints
- Add kubernetes java client so that hosts can know their peers
- Use EventRouter for exemplarchat. Add a static resource mapper
- Create a cluster wide admin healthcheck page
- Change CacheBuilder to be mapOf since no concurrency
- Adds a healthcheck for the kubernetes client
- Adds a local cluster connector so that development functions
- Don't treat assembly as a release when running in CI
- Fix tracing startup when none is configured
- Various event router fixes and refactorings
- Remove unnecessary check from uploadArchives task (#149)
- Add a RELEASING.md to outline misk release process (#150)
- Move chat into its own example project. (#146)
- Introduce event router api (#147)
- Add basic frontend for exemplarchat
- Add MoshiJsonAdapters and SocketEventJsonAdapter (#151)
- Expose client certificates as action scoped vars (#141)
- Add ClusterMapper interface, refactor RealEventRouter to event loop (#155)
- Handle cluster changes (#156)
- More tests to exercise EventRouter behaviors. (#158)
- Support loading keystores from combined private key and certificate chain PEM files (#157)
- Fix event router tests (#159)
- Add _status action
- Split Interceptor into NetworkInterceptor and ApplicationInterceptor
- Introduce websocket support in misk
- Add tracing interceptor for web actions
- Add ActionExceptionLogLevelConfig to control log levels for ActionExceptions
- Allow binding an ExceptionMapper by an Exception type
- Google Cloud Datastore and Cloud Storage support
- Add backend for Zipkin tracer
- Add MiskTracer to facilitate ad-hoc method tracing
- Retrofit based typed client support (#112)
- Enable SSL for both clients and servers (#111)
- Support application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameters (#97)
- Add API for injecting dynamically sourced flags
- Add metrics backend for SignalFx
- Add support for commands
- Upgrade to Gradle 4.5 to support Java 9; add Java 9 to test matrix
- Allow customized exception mappings
- Add support for query strings in urls
- Eliminate redundant _config suffix in config files
- Support Web actions that return Nothing
- Use proper snake-casing for default property names
- Fix Java path param dispatching
- Fix NotFoundAction handling (#134)
- Fix wildcard based content routing
- Fix a bug when a user-defined Interceptor returns a Response object
- Fix up Java translation from Moshi. (#107)
Initial release.