Throw some pixy dust on your test environment devon - copyright 2018 (c) Paul Brodner
This project structure is automatically generated by devon
Checkout the guidelines bellow for a basic usage: how to use this generate project, how to configure it, hot to add new scripts according to your needs.
The structure of this project if defined as:
├── Gemfile # contains the ruby gemfiles
├── LICENSE # license
├── # this readme file
├── Rakefile # devon rake commands, here you can define your own commands too if you like
├── # used for starting up Sinatra server
├── configs # contains all Configuration files
│ ├── simple
│ │ └── sample.txt.erb
│ └── simple.rb # one configuration that will execute a shell script
├── connections # contains all Connextion settings
│ ├── env.yml
│ ├── env.yml.example
│ ├── vagrant # vagrant folder for spinning up one virtual machine for testing purposes
│ │ └── Vagrantfile
│ └── vagrant.rb
└── scripts
└── connect.rb # one simple script that will run a shell script if connection is succesfull
Open one terminal and navigate to the root folder of this project, then type:
$ rake -T
This command will show you all available devon
commands that you can run.
Example (from devon v2.0.0):
rake configs:list # List available configurations
rake configs:new # Create a new Configuration
rake conn:list # List available connections
rake db:init # Initi/Reinitialize db
rake scripts:list # List available scripts
rake scripts:new # Create a new script
rake scripts:run # Run script (in bash: rake scripts:run CMD=1,2,3 INTERACTIVE=TRUE)
rake scripts:run_all[script,connection,config] # Run script (in bash: rake scripts:run CMD=1,2,3 INTERACTIVE=TRUE)
rake server:up # Start Sinatra Server
$ rake scripts:list
The command will display all files available in scripts
[0] "scripts/connect.rb"
If multiple scripts are created inside scripts
folder, each one of them is displayed with a particular ID (0-> n)
$ rake conn:list
The command result will display all files available in connections
[0] "connections/vagrant.rb {}"
If multiple scripts are created inside connections
folder, each one of them is displayed with a particular ID (0-> n).
Notice that the IP of the target machine is also displayed (taken automatically from env.yml), for better identification.
$ rake scripts:run
One interactive shell is executed.
a) First it will list all available scripts (as we saw above) and ask you to choose a script file to execute from that list.
Let's check the existing one 0
when Choose a file from scripts to use:
text is displayed and press ENTER.
Hint: for the file available at location
you can also press ENTER directly, no need to type0
then ENTER.
b) The interactive task will then display all available connections as we saw in previous paragraph. Type 0
and press ENTER again.
Hint: for the file available at location
you can also press ENTER directly, no need to type0
then ENTER.
Next a list of available configurations is displayed (i.e. what configuration should this tool use in combination with your script).
In our case, we just execute a shell script (see scripts/connect.rb) listing all files based on choosen configuration (see connections/vagrant.rb), so "No config" can be choosen.
If you have access to a remote machine via SSH, please change the
file, setting up the correct IP address and connection credentials, or spin up a local Virtual Machine using the guideline bellow.
If you want run a particular script in non-interactive way, you can use the
$ rake scripts:run_all['scripts/connect.rb','connections/vagrant.rb','']