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CS 6771J1, Deep Learning, Fall 2020
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Project 1 - Continual Learning AI
Group 4 Participants:
Paul Aggarwal
Navneet Kala
Akash Shrivastava

Continual Learning using GEM on MNIST

GEM (Gradient Episodic Memory)

How to run the Notebook using Google Colab

The following code needs to be run for the data set to be linked to the notebook

from google.colab import drive


It would ask for an authorization code with a link provided, click on the link, chose your google drive account, copy the authorization code and paste it back to where the code was run

Then use the dataset mnist.npz provided in the github, download it and upload to the google drive at the location

/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/

Then you should be able to Extract the Test and Train data using the following code( already in the notebook)

f = np.load('/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/mnist.npz')

Why Continual Learning

One major obstacle towards AI is the poor ability of models to solve new problems quicker, and without forgetting previously acquired knowledge This general problem is termed catastrophic forgetting. Avoiding catastrophic forgetting and achieving nontrivial backwards transfer (BT) and forward transfer (FT) are major goals for continual learning models, and in addition, general AI.

Memory-Based CL approaches

These approaches use episodic memory that stores a subset of data from past tasks to tackle forgetting. One approach to leverage such episodic memory is to use it to constrain the optimization such that the loss on past tasks can never increase

Algorithm used: GEM (Gradient Episodic Memory)

The 3 components involved are

For each task, let's make sure we don't forget them. We'll keep a portion of them in memory.

Episodic: Let's replay these memories to make sure we're not damaging our accuracy on these tasks when we learn new ones. By playing them over again, we're basically going through an episode

Gradient: When we look at the episode again, let's make sure the gradient doesn't go the wrong way. What this means is: let's not unlearn what we learned on the previous task.

GEM aims to increase Backward Transfer so that knowledge gained with each new Task does not result in forgetting previously gained knowledge of Previous tasks.

Formally, Backward transfer (BWT), is the influence that learning a task t has on the performance on a previous task k ≺ t. On the one hand, there exists positive backward transfer when learning about some task t increases the performance on some preceding task k. On the other hand, there exists negative backward transfer when learning about some task t decreases the performance on some preceding task k. Large negative backward transfer is also known as (catastrophic) forgetting

The focus is to minimize Backwards Loss (aka maximize Backwards Transfer).

Metrics Calculated:

Ri,j is the test classification accuracy of the model on task tj after observing the last sample from task ti .

In order for a gradient update to take place, compute the dot product of the current learning task with all the previous tasks in memory. The update is allowed to take place if the gradient is greater than or equal to 0 for all the episodes. This translates into constraining update for one task to not conflict with an update for the previous task.

If the gradient is going the wrong way, take this gradient update and project it to the closest possible vector that doesn't go the wrong way. It formulates the optimization as a projection on to a cone).

Mathematically above gradient update solutions translate to below

t here is Task

when observing the triplet (x, t, y), solve the following problem:

where f θ ^t−1^ is the predictor state at the end of learning of task t − 1.

The constraint above is rephrased as below by calculating the angle between previous tasks' loss gradient vector and the proposed update gradient from the current task

If all the inequality constraints are satisfied, then the proposed parameter update g is unlikely to increase the loss at previous tasks. On the other hand, if one or more of the inequality constraints are violated, then there is at least one previous task that would experience an increase in loss after the parameter update. If violations occur, project the proposed gradient g to the closest gradient g˜ (in squared `2 norm) satisfying all the constraints. The net equation to be solved is

This is solved using Quadratic Programming to obtain the WEIGHTS that will increase Backward transfer or not Increase Loss!!!

TRAIN function:

  • Initialize memory for each task t.

  • Initialize R matrix which is test accuracy after learning tasks.

  • for each task t = 1,....T, and for each continuum data (x, y) in that task t, keep the last m = M / T samples

  • g is the gradient of the loss function based on the current sample

  • gk is the gradient of the loss function on the memory unit Mk. g is a list of the gradients.

  • g~ is the projection of the gradient on current sample g with the gradient vector on all memory units

  • Weights updated as per Stochastic Descent Algorithm using a hyperparameter and gradient g~

  • Update the matrix R using Evaluate function on test data.

Evaluate function:

  • Initialize r vector to zero

  • for each task t, and for each continuum data (x, y) in that task, add accuracy on current test data sample.

  • After all the samples in current task are added, divide by the size of the samples in that task.

  • Return the predictor function , matrix R

  • Calculate BWT, FWT and plot graphs.


We use MNIST handwritten digit dataset. It consists of 60,000 images for training and 10,000 images for testing. Each image is 28*28 pixels. We rotate these digits by a certain angle and then try to predict the number

In this project we use 10 tasks (10 different rotation angles from 0 to 90 degrees).Which means each of the 10 tasks has 60,000 images for training and 10,000 images for testing.


Fully connected neural networks with six hidden layers of 250 ReLU units.

Mini batch size = 32

Algorithm to optimize - Stochastic Gradient Descent

Here are all the arguments:

args = {
'model' : 'gem',
'lr' : 0.05,
'n_memories' : 512,
'memory_strength' : 0.9,
'seed' : 0, 'batch_size' : 32,
'shuffle_tasks' : 'no',
'samples_per_task' : -1,
'n_epochs' : 1,
'n_layers' : 6,
'n_hidden' : 250,
'data_file' : '',
'log_every' : 100


Final Accuracy = 0.952332
Backward Trasnfer = -0.025853
Forward Trasnfer = 0.764005
--- 71.87696500221888 minutes ---

Important Methods in Code

store_grad -- This Method stores the gradient for Past Tasks

overwrite_grad -- This Method overwrites the gradient with a new Projected gradient Vector whenever violations occur i.e. The Current Tasks gradient results in Increase in Loss for any of the Previous Tasks

project2cone2 -- This Method uses Quadratic Programming to solve the Inequality equation to come up with projected gradient value

Important CLASS in the Code


This class does a number of things like:

Allocate Memory for Tasks

Calculate Predictions for each Task

Store Examples for each Task

Calculate Gradients for previous Tasks

Calculate Gradient of current Task minibatch

Checks if Current task Gradient violates Constraints

Reference -