Mass replace specific properties value with a new value recursively in huge, complex and deep JSON string with a robust regular expression based engine.
Zero dependency, 7KB
For ES5 users,
<script src="../dist/json-knife.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
For ES6 npm users, run 'npm install --save json-knife' on console.
import Pattern from 'json-knife';
Very simple to use. Now we are going to set all 'Mike{[Gentleman]}' to null in the sample JSON string.
* @brief
* Mass Update certain key-values recursively in huge, complex JSON string trees
* @author Andrew Kang
* @param original string required (must be JSON string)
* @param key string required
* @param value string or boolean or number or null required
* @return string
// IMPORTANT : the variable 'original' should be valid JSON.
// You can test your JSON string source like here.
var result = Pattern.sculptJson(original, 'Mike{[Gentleman]}', null);
// You can convert the result string to an object type.
var resultObj = JSON.parse(result);
[Original source]
var original =
"prob\"lems": [{
"classes": [{
"medications": [{
"medicationsClasses": [{
"Mike {[Gentleman]}": [{
"associatedDrug": [{
"name": "asprin",
"dose": 35.3,
"strength": "500 mg",
"className" : false
"Mike {[Gentleman]}": [{
"name": "somethingElse",
"dose": "",
"strength": "500 mg",
"friends": {
"self": {
"Mike {[Gentleman]}": "33",
"names": ["aa"]
"Judy": [{
"associatedDrug": [{
"name": "asprin",
"dose": "",
"strength": "500 mg",
"friends": ["Mike {[Gentleman]}"]
"associatedDrug#2": [{
"name": "somethingElse",
"dose": "",
"strength": "500 mg"
"friends": [{"Mike {[Gentleman]}": null}, {"Mike {[Gentleman]}": [["c[ 3\"5ool", 35], ["ca],[1\"3lm"], 53]}, "Jackson", "Mike {[Gentleman]}"]
"classNameMissed": [{
"Mike {[Gentleman]}": "missing_value"
"className": [{}]
[Result] - string type
"prob\"lems": [{
"classes": [{
"medications": [{
"medicationsClasses": [{
"Mike {[Gentleman]}": null,
"Judy": [{
"associatedDrug": [{
"name": "asprin",
"dose": "",
"strength": "500 mg",
"friends": ["Mike {[Gentleman]}"]
"associatedDrug#2": [{
"name": "somethingElse",
"dose": "",
"strength": "500 mg"
"friends": [{"Mike {[Gentleman]}": null}, {"Mike {[Gentleman]}": null}, "Jackson", "Mike {[Gentleman]}"]
"classNameMissed": [{
"Mike {[Gentleman]}": null
"className": [{}]
Please inform me of the source related things by leaving issues on Github or emailing me at