The website was built as part of the recruitment task.
- Author: Patrycja Leśniak
- Work in progress.
- May, 2022.
CLICK --> ADream site
improvement of the progress bar operation;
rebuilding the gallery according to the grid system
rebuilding the website according to the grid system
mobile menu
Project is created with:
- Semantic HTML
- Gatsby JS
- Bootstrap
- Grid
- Flex
- Media queries
- ES6+
- React JS
- Pure React Carousel
- Simple React Lightbox
In the Header section, I used the Pure React Carousel library.
In the Cards section, I used the possibilities of the grid system in sass. This allows the cards to dynamically adjust to the size of the page without having to style them for different screens.
In the gallery I used the Simple React Lightbox library. When you click on a photo thumbnail, the original photo is displayed. SRL allows you to conveniently view photos and download them, it also has a built-in auto-play function.