- Count steps in 2 orthogonal directions
- Button to reset steps
- Calibration
- Low error rate
- Pedometer: steps taken - Pierre
- Orientation: direction of steps
- Get acc + mag sensor combo working together to produce an azimuth - Tian
- Calculate the North and East components of each step taken - Tian
- Smooth the sensors - Pierre
- Map - Tian
- Reset button - Nelson
- Calibration button/popup - disables steps - Nelson
- (Optional) Pause step counting when a high angular velocity is detected to reduce false postives.
- Step detection code will be carried over from previous lab
- Each time step is updated a method will be called to update the North and East components of the step, from sin(theta) and cos(theta), theta value obtained from orientation sensor
- reset: changes all steps to 0
- calibration: disables step registering, show popup dialog to rotate phone