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An implementation of Durak - a popular Russian card game where players aim to avoid being the last one holding cards, using strategy and clever defense to outwit their opponents.

Code Documentation

Documentation for all important interfaces and classes can be found here.

Project Structure

The project consists of different components, with each having its own package.

  • src/main/scala/model: Contains the data models for the game, such as Status, Player, and Card.
  • src/main/scala/controller: Contains the Controller class which contains business logic.
  • src/main/scala/view/gui: Contains the GUI implementation using JavaFX.
  • src/main/scala/view/tui: Contains the TUI implementation.
  • src/main/scala/util: Contains utility classes, including the Observer trait for the observer pattern.
  • src/main/scala/view/tui/runner: Contains the Runner classes for handling user input in the TUI.


The project follows a Model-View-Controller Architecture

  1. Model (src/main/scala/model):

    • This package contains the data models for the game, such as Status, Player, and Card.
    • These classes represent the core entities and their relationships within the game.
    • Example classes: Card, Player, Deck, Turn.
  2. View (src/main/scala/view):

    • This package contains the user interface implementations.
    • It is divided into two sub-packages: gui (Graphical User Interface using JavaFX) and tui (Text User Interface).
    • The view components interact with the Controller to display the current state of the game and to send user actions to the controller.
    • Example classes: Gui, Tui.
  3. Controller (src/main/scala/controller):

    • The Controller class contains the business logic and state.
    • It stores a Status instance which contains the state of the game and is updated using the controller's methods. Changes are presented to the view using the observer pattern.
    • Key methods include initialize, attack, defend, pickUp, undo, redo, load, and save.

How They Work Together

  1. Initialization:

    • The game starts by initializing the controller, which sets up the initial game state and creates the necessary model objects like an empty status.
    • Next, the GUI and TUI are started and the game begins.
  2. User Interaction:

    • In the TUI, the user interacts with the game by entering commands in the console.
    • In the GUI, the user interacts with the game through buttons and other UI elements.
    • The view captures these interactions and sends them to the controller.
  3. Business Logic:

    • The controller processes user actions and updates the state accordingly.
    • For example, when a user attacks, the controller updates the state to reflect the attack and checks if themove is valid.
  4. Updating the View:

    • The controller uses the observer pattern to notify the view of changes in the model.
    • The view then updates the display to reflect the current state based on the state stored in the controller.
  5. Ending the Game:

    • The game ends when there is only one player left with cards, and that player is declared the loser (Durak).
    • When a view is updated by the controller, it checks whether the game is over using methods provided by the controller.

This structure ensures a clear separation of concerns, with the models containin and handling data, the controller managing logic,and the view providing the user interface.


Text User Interface (TUI)

TUI Screenshot TUI Screenshot

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

GUI Screenshot GUI Screenshot GUI Screenshot

How to Run


  • Java 11 or higher
  • sbt (Scala Build Tool)
  • ScalaFX (for GUI support)


  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone
  2. Change into the project directory:

    $ cd durak
  3. Run the application using sbt:

    $ sbt "run"

Docker Support

A more convenient way as of installing all dependencies locally is to use the provided Docker image.


  • Docker
  • xMing (for GUI support)


  1. Start XMing on your local machine

  2. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t durak .
  3. Run the Docker container:

    docker run durak 


An implementation of the Russian card game






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